those whose babies sleep thru the night

I finished feeding Morgan at 11pm and got straight to bed and he didnt wake til 6.30am!

:dance: :cheer: :yay: :dance::)

Ive waited 11 weeks for a night like that!!:lol:

I think the central heating woke him up as it kicked in at 6.30 and when I went into his room (next to airing cupboard) it was quite loud

**switches heating to come on at 6.45 tomorrow**
I have Never got mine to sleep thru all night ever. My girls were waking for milk til they were about 2 and cos I'm such a loser I just went with the flow lol. Easier with li'l man being breast fed cos i hardly notice him waking and just strap him on and fall asleep lol xx

I think youve got no choice but to go with the flow! I didnt really do anything, Morgan just decided he needed the sleep more than the milk.

P.S. Dont call yourself a loser!!! :hug:
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OMG! so jealous tiny! finley's 13 weeks friday and still not sleeping through! i kinda just get on with it now tho and just think he'll do it wen he's ready i spose. still jealous tho ha ha!
It wierd, last week he was waking twice a night, I thought we'd gone back a step but it was obviously a temporary blip!! I always feed him in his sleep before I get into bed so I get the most amount of sleep possible, but thats all I do. Oh and he dropped a feed when I started swaddling him for bed. :flower:
It wierd, last week he was waking twice a night, I thought we'd gone back a step but it was obviously a temporary blip!! I always feed him in his sleep before I get into bed so I get the most amount of sleep possible, but thats all I do. Oh and he dropped a feed when I started swaddling him for bed. :flower:

tiny this is what happened to finley as well. not last week but week before he started waking twice again. like u i couldnt believe it. thought i was back 2 square 1 again. so i put him on hungry baby milk. which didnt help and didnt agree with him either so he's back on sma gold again. and only waking once again thanks god!!
finley has a feed about 7.30pm then goes 2 bed. then wakes about 12.30/1, do u think i shud feed him before i go 2 bed then?
thats what I did. He used to get fed at 8ish when he went to bed, then wake at 1/2 then its too long to wait til 7 so he was up at 4/5 o clock too. It was exhausting.

I figured if he could go 8pm til 2am thats 6 hours. So I quietly picked him up at 11 after I got myself in PJs ready for bed, and he just fed with his eyes shut. Sometimes he only takes a little bit but other nights he gulps the lot and I just gently put him back down. Then he started waking at 3.30, so only once a night. Then that gradually got later as he was able to take 150ml each feed. In the last week he's been able to take 180ml so I guess thats why he got to stretch to 6.30. When I woke and saw the time my heart skipped a beat cos I thought something was wrong even though I could hear him crying :roll:
Mel thats a bit similar to annabelle. i tried dream feeding her but i either found she wouldnt wake enough to drink it AT ALL. Or if she did drink it she would then wake up 3 hours after that again which would have been earlier than if i didnt feed her. because it disturbed her deep sleep.

BUT dream feeds seem to work excellently on most other babies so you should try that for def xx
But Tiny saying that is making me want to try again lol
lol, Morgan roots onto the bottle even in his sleep, greedy boy!!!

Hope, your avatar is sooo gorgeous :love:
i might have to try once more now shes a bit older and wiser :)

thankyou. i should prob update it soon but i love that pic. i even have it framed on my wall :) yours is lovely too, shows off his skills!! :)
i did try dream feeing wen he started 2 wake twice but it didnt help. like hope i think i'm gonna try it again and see how i go on. alls we can do is try ay
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i had a break through last night, Ethan went to bed at 7pm and woke for a feed at 11pm then went back to sleep until 7.40am this morning i feel like a new woman again! :yay: :yay: hopefully his growth spurt has slowed down ... hope the next one isn't to soon :lol:
Oh and about the 'dream feed' i have tried it and it has never worked for me. I know just feed him when he actually wakes up otherwise he just doesn't drink it and wakes again for milk anyway. xx
He went back to sleep at about 9am and didn't wake till 11.30 :O it's all or nothing with this boy! :lol:
i had no idea dream feeding didnt work for so many babies!! thought it was just annabelle :)
It wierd, last week he was waking twice a night, I thought we'd gone back a step but it was obviously a temporary blip!! I always feed him in his sleep before I get into bed so I get the most amount of sleep possible, but thats all I do. Oh and he dropped a feed when I started swaddling him for bed. :flower:

:dance::dance: for Morgan Tiny!! This is what Emily done, woke 2 times a night just before she slept through. Now, she goes to bed at 7pm (she cant stay awake any later than that) and wakes about 8am. Its so nice x
Well my lovely Paige who slept from 8pm - 5am for over a week and then 8pm - 7am for half a week then back to 8pm - 5am, has for some reason started getting hungry at 1am and being really restless :(
oh no!!! It doesnt seem to make sense does it. Hope you have a good night tonight :hug:

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