those whose babies sleep thru the night

how was everyones night? Im going to quickly become hated on this thread but...

Morgan slept til 7.10am!!!! :faint:
She has 5oz every 3 hours in the day, but usually has a bit more in the evening, then 7oz whenever she wakes in the night (3am last night) then 6oz when she wakes up. So canty really feed her more. I dont think she'd take it. Im hoping it settles down. Its a very disturebed sleep as well. I feel bad that shes not sleeping properly :(

oh and GO MORGAN!! :D :yay:
I offer 7oz every feed. sometimes he takes it sometimes he leaves 1-2 ounces. Im probably wasting a lot of mik that way but I know he's full up! :lol:
i usually offer 6 ounces and she takes about 5 or occasionally all 6.

i have got to know which feeds she only takes about 4 though so then i offer 5.

for some reason belle only takes 3/4 at the 7am feed?!? so odd ans thats about 5 hours since her last feed!!!

then if she needs a poo in the 10am feed she doesnt take much at that one either LOL.

I always panic when she hasnt had much during the day thinking she will wake up more in the night to eat more to make up for it but it doesnt seem to effect her night times at all?? xx
Yeah Ive started offering 6oz the last week or 2 but usually she'll only have 5oz but like you tiny, even though Im probably wasting milk but I always like to offer :)

She had a growth spur a week and a half ago and was drinking 8oz at 5am then 6oz if not more at every feed, she was a right milk fiend!
:lol:Milk fiend! :rofl: Well done Morgan! :yay: Ethan had pretty much the exact same night as lastnight, woo hoo.
u lot freak me out lol! i was reading this last yesterday and i said 2 steve my Oh
"O the girls on here say their babies started waking twice in the night before they started sleeping through and thats what finley has been doing not last week but the week before"
anyway last night finley went to bed at 8pm and didnt wake till 5am!!!! :):):)
well chuffed couldnt believe it when i woke. i woke steve up and told him and we both ran into his nursery 2 check on him. i fed him and he went back asleep until 7.30am
i just really hope it was just a one off and it happens again 2nite, we'll see!
Awww, the PF babies are doing so well! Go finley! :pompom: He'll get rid of the 5am feed soon and sleep 8-7 :D xx
Can't wait till Drake sleeps through! Every 3 hours here.. Like friggin clock work lol I don't mind though..seems like to me after Reading all your replies that his time will come when he's ready :)
:yay: well done Finn!!!

It's so true a couple of nights ago Ethan woke up twice for milk then yesterday and lastnight he slept through again. xx
strange isnt it how the start 2 wake up twice then sleep through. i'm not gonna get my hopes up 4 2nite but shall let u all know 2moro
fingers crossed, our babes are dong so well!!! Drakes only little still hun :hug:
One tip is to try and keep your LO awake as much as you can during the day, Amelia has a feed at about half 10, is in bed at 11 and usually sleeps until about 7 but recently she's been sleeping until 9 :)
Paige has to sleep alot during the day otherwise she'd just cry. I believe that if a baby needs to sleep during the day then let them as they could become overtired and find it hard to sleep at night. Its just something I think though. I know alot of people who try not to let their babies sleep huge amounts during the day and that works fine for them too :)
Paige has to sleep alot during the day otherwise she'd just cry. I believe that if a baby needs to sleep during the day then let them as they could become overtired and find it hard to sleep at night. Its just something I think though. I know alot of people who try not to let their babies sleep huge amounts during the day and that works fine for them too :)

i'm with u on taht 1 mel. finley crys and crys because he's tired during the day and he struggles to get asleep without me taking him out in the car or pushchair. if he doesnt sleep suring the he's a complete nightmare and is ssooo grumpy.
i'd never deprive a baby of sleep they need so musch beacuse tehy are growing that much
GUTTEd!!! Its 2.35am and I'm sat here feeding finley. O well that 1 night was a nice treat lol x
He will get there mel. ethan woke up at half5 this morn! Don't know why because it's pitch black and still is... Finally got him to sleep now but i feel wide awake! X

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