has anyone thought about feeding?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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I know this may be a little early for even me to say but has anyone got to the stage about thinking about if they will breast feed or bottle feed?

i really want to breast feed as i tried it with Ava-Mai but only lasted a month so really want to try again with this baby as it was a lovely bond to have but saying that when we did move to bottles after that month and jay could feed her it was lovely to see (and great for night feeds :oooo:)
I will probably be bottle feeding from the start as I have to start medication for my arthritis that I can't take whilst breastfeeding. Plus I really want my 13 year old and OH to be able to join in with feeding. x
i wanna breast feed, gonna try anyway.
my friend is one of the breast feeding suport goup people at arrow.
i don't want to breast feed but my husband wants me to try, the idea of breast feeding makes me cringe!
I'm hopefully going to breastfeed all being well :) xx
Hopefully i will be breastfeeding, but i understand its not always possible. xx
Rosey, why dose it make u cringe?
Its better for the baby.
Its cheaper than buying formula, making bottles up, sterlising all those bottles, its always ready for bubs.
If I can I will breastfeed as long as I can. Breast milk lasts for 6 months if frozen so will be expressing and freezing it as much as I can...... and I will be expressing for OH to do his fair share and if I'm somewhere I don't feel comfy flopping my boob out then Bertie still gets breast milk xxxxxxxx
Baby brain, I've ask my friend, she helps out at the hospital helping new mums brest feed. So wiaiting to see what she says.
I think manual, only cause u can gage the preasure urself. And not buy a mashine that might hurt.
I expressed with Ava-Mai and found my manual one better, I had the tommee tippee electric pump which was awful to use!
i will sound strange saying this I was watching the kardashians yesterday and the girl had an electric pump that did both boobs at the same time with an attachement around her back so she didn't have to sit around holding it. I'm going to look into that :lol:

I used to cringe at the thought of BFing when I was pregnant with Ava but was determined to try to make sure it wasn't for me, she latched on so well I carried on trying :)
Its just psychological i guess and i think that a lot of women feel this way but are afraid to say it. Its better for the baby, however lots of babies are bottle fed and are just fine. Its not going to make your baby unwell or grow up with a crap immune system like some people believe.
Its just personal choice really there is no right or wrong way to do it.
Asking other nurses and that doctors at work about it its actually 50/50 as to what they would do/recommend.
The hospitals want you to be 100% happy in the feeding choice that you choose before leaving after giving birth so just make sure you make the correct one for you :)
I'm bottle feeding. Gone through the pros and cons of bottle and breast and decided that bottle is more beneficial in the long run. Also I've got family members and friends who work in childcare and they say that the kids they care for who are breastfed tend to be really needy and won't accept any drink in a bottle (even though it's expressed) and when they see their mum they're suddenly desperate to go to them and try nuzzling into their chest straight away like their some sort of milk machine! Definately don't want my baby that needy, plus it lets OH help out a lot more too :)
I'm trying breastfeeding, hope it all goes to plan. I like the fact that you use up 500 calories a day!! It's what my body was made for so surely nature knows best, but we'll see! Gotta keep open mind with all of it I reckon! My sister is big breastfeeding fan so she'll be on to me if I don't ha ha, she even had mastitis and had to go to bottle for a while but got the baby back on the boob once it had gone - said it was hard work!
Bottle deals on amazons black friday ladies. think they all start this afternoon.
Just to add my thoughts to you ladies incase useful at all -

I have three bottle fed babies, (two went to special care and so feeeding not established for several days causing probs), and the other I was then so put off and I had my baby straight away , I stupidly never tried it!!

so last baby 10 mths ago I decided to breastfeed, didnt buy any bottles ready other than the two that came with manual and electric pump (electric TT wayyy better). I initial felt a bit oooh at the thought of it, but it was fine actually, and once I had found ways to cope in public , like your own little system, then all was great. I am still feeding now morning at 5am and bedtime at 630/7pm and it's sooo easy.

My son wouldn't take a bottle, and would recomend getting them used to dual feeding expressing milk from bottle early on and keep doing it regularly. Night feeds are soooo easy when BF as you just lift your top and job done if co-sleeping as we did , or just get baby from cot and jump back into bed feed laying down, sooo nice, I still enjoy this time with Devon at 5am as soon as he is finished he kicks off if he doesn't get up there and then!!

The only drawback is going out without me at bedtime, but it's only a year ish of my time and well worth it . The saving we make on money, formula is about £8 a tin each time, and we only ever brought one tin just incase when we came home, and I gave that away in the end.

See how you feel when baby arrives, try it, and then if it's not for you, go for bottles , but just don't put yourself under any pressure to do either way, go with the flow, both are brilliant ways to bring up baby.

I recomend summer little strappy vest tops from new look, the edging and straps are stretchy! So you can wear one under any top and then you pull that top down under boob and your proper top up slightly and then all flesh is covered , baby hides the rest with muslin or bib lifted up slightly.


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