breast or bottle

I'm going to give breastfeeding a go.....and if it works out then express some for OH to have a go at feeding as well...
If it doesnt work out then I'm going to try and not beat myself up about it, but knowing me I'll get a bit frustrated!! :D :D :D :D
It's really strange as i sucessfully BF my DD but im worried about doing it this time... god no's why! i enjoyed it, her weight was well up there on the chart, up there with the big girls as the HV put it, and of course the quick weight loss, not having too worry about bottles ect, the co-sleeping :) bonding :D all really lovely...
I just cannot shake off 'will i be able to do it again!?' so yes i do plan on giving breastfeeding a go and promise not to beat myself up if it don't work... just go with the flow!
My mum breast fed me and said that was the best thing she did and we are so so close :angel: so I think I will breast feed too. I'm still at a very early stage of my pregnancy though and this is my first. I heard however that if you're preparing to breast feed, it helps to 'prepare' your nipples for all the sucking your babies will do at a later date, otherwise it will just be too tender and you'll find it painful. Anyone else heard about this?
Im definately going to give the breastfeeding a damn good go and get help if i need it. Even if its only for a few weeks or even a few day its better than nothing in my opinion.

Claire x
im going to try and breastfeed again, i done it with the others for the first 6 weeks, so im going to try again :)
I going to bottle fed, breast feeding just dosnt appeal to me and i like the others am waiting for the midwifes to attack me about it lol I would like my OH and other members be able to feed my LO plus theres something about me breastfeeding that really goes thro me - i just dont think its for me! :oops:
I have tried twice before to breastfeed and failed twice within 24 hours of the birth.
with my daughter I was so shocked that i had had a baby (I was at uni and had basically tried to ignore the whole pregnancy until the point where i was in a wheelchair in a hospital lift with the midwife shouting " no don't push in the lift!") I just tried it half heartedly once then my stepmother came and brought a bottle so i just switched over.

my son I was determined to breastfeed I read up on it went to a class, the he was induced 4/5 weeks early because of preeclampsia. I tried to feed him straight after birth but he wouldnt suck at all. the midwife said that because of his weight (he was 5 pounds 8) he needed to feed straight away or he would have to go to the special care unit and so i gave him a bottle. I tried for about 4 days to breastfeed him but i just could do it. He also had problems sucking bottle teats in the first few days so perhaps it was because he was early i dont know.

this time I dont know whether to just go straight to bottles to save the stress. I like the idea of breastfeeding but it doesnt seem to work out in reality!

i attempted breastfeeding with alice, but it didn't work out.

Im going to really try harder this time around - bottle or breastfeeding it isn't easy, but im really going to try.

but im staying quite open minded.
hi every1

iv been breastfeeding my LO since she was born and it is so worth it,
LO enjoys it and so do i, im not sayin its all that easy tho there are a few down sides along the way.
just dont give up keep with it its the best bonding expieriance ever

hope ur all havng happy healthy pregnancys
nikkix said:
Im bottle feeding, its just personal preference I think. I have always said I would bottle feed although im waiting for the midwife to give me a hard time about it lol

Me too ! bottle !
Breast for definate for us :D
I managed to breastfeed Brody until he self weaned and will do with this one too :cheer:
I am a little scared as it didn't come without problems in those first few weeks but I WILL do it :shakehead: :lol:
I want to breastfeed and will see how it goes, it doesn't seem quite right to me at this point though, even though that's what they're made for to me it still seems like my boobies are mine and a sexual thing, but i'm sure the instinct just kicks in when baby arrives?

Also i didn't realise you can do a bit of both breast and bottle, how does that work?

I'm feeling a little nervous about being in charge of feeding another human being when i can't keep any of my houseplants alive for very long!! :shock:
KirstyD said:
Also i didn't realise you can do a bit of both breast and bottle, how does that work?

For us - i feed her from a bottle using formula during the day and then off me at night. TBH i don't think she took much at night, she was sleep and just wanted a little something. meant i didn't have to get up and sort bottles out in the middle of the night, but bottle feeding during the day meant if i needed a lay in, OH could feed her for me.

We quite struggled with Breastfeeding though, so it ended up that she was completely bottle fed. if i struggle again, i plan to express, so at least LO can have 100% breast milk regardless how they get it. but if we end up on formula, i have one happy healthy little girl who was raised on formula and is perfect!! i won't beat myself up over using formula.
I breastfed my son up to 6 months, then mixed boob & formula up until he lost interest in boob just before his birthday. I was so determined to breastfeed I wouldn't have formula in the house so that I couldn't easily give up when it got hard in the first couple of weeks. It was a hell of a lot harder than I expected and I really think I would have stopped if I had had formula easily available.

I'm the same this time round, I'm planning to breastfeed and it will take my nipples falling off to stop me!

Once baby gets to 6 weeks I'll express a bottle a day so that OH can have his turn at feeding.
maybebaby said:
I was so determined to breastfeed I wouldn't have formula in the house so that I couldn't easily give up when it got hard in the first couple of weeks. It was a hell of a lot harder than I expected and I really think I would have stopped if I had had formula easily available.

That's my rationale too. Several people have advised me to get some in 'just in case' but I'm not going to. If it's in and I'm going through a wobbly, self-doubting phase, I'll use it. I'm determined to breastfeed, by hook or by crook.

*imagines her nipples falling off* :lol:
I tried to breast feed Sophie, but it wouldnt work with Alastair I just used bottle, but I have decided this time, I really am going to try very very hard to breast feed, as this might be my last chance to ever try :D

I think every mother should make their own mind up and I cant stand it when people make mothers who bottle feed their babies feel bad about it :D
I am definetly going to give breast feeding a go. I BF Amber until she was almost 5 months old, I did find it difficult at first but got there in the end, with lots of support from my OH.
I was even more determined to do it because I had comments from someone (a member of OH's family) that said it was disgusting and not natural!!! (when to me it's the most natural thing in the world.. s'pose everyone is different though!) :? And it was silly because I wouldn't know exactly how much milk LO was taking in, it would be easier to just use a bottle, etc., etc.!

Fair enough, everyone has the choice to feed their babies however they want, but the person that made the comments has four children herself, all bottle fed, & I would never have dreamt of telling her she should breast feed, it's her choice, just like it's mine to want to try breast feeding! At the end of the day I don't think it matters, if there's a problem BF this one & I can't continue with it, I will happily switch to formula, as long as they are actually being fed and are healthy!
I have thought a lot about this.

I really really really want to breastfeed but have visions of it being scary, frustrating and painful. However I will push through it I think. I am going to buy a breast pump so OH can feed her too because I know he will love that. It will also be good to have bottles when we are out for the day (OH's parents live over an hour away).

If it doesnt work out I will just try and express mummy milk and feed with the bottle.

So..... My choices are as follows..

1. breastfeed with the help of express pump and bottles

2. bottle feed with mummy milk

3 formula

Im not gonna beat myself up if I cant do it cause I'll know i tried. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing a woman can do, after all its the reason we have boobies lol but its not for everyone!

I agree its 100% the mummies choice!! xxxx
I am going to breastfeed for 48 hours then bottle. I breast fed my son for 6 weeks and it was a nightmare so this time with a little one too I am just going to do the first couple of days, I know my DH and whole family will complain but tough its my decision

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