Has anyone out there had medical management after a mmc? **UPDATE 02/05/14**

True what Becky said.. all of it! Your body will be ready way before you are! I was put off getting pg after my mc, and it took quite a long time to get pregnant in the first place, and then BAM I fell the very next month (well I let my body have one normal period so I knew where I was and thought I'd leave nature to it... previously nature had taken over a year! So I was pretty shocked, and to be honest not ready atall.. it took quite a few months to feel 'good' about being pregnant!)
oh god so so nervous my sick line runs out on the 5th may and I had to phone work to let them know if I was coming back then. so ive just come off the phone and said I would go back on the 5th god im nervous eeeekkkk.
True what Becky said.. all of it! Your body will be ready way before you are! I was put off getting pg after my mc, and it took quite a long time to get pregnant in the first place, and then BAM I fell the very next month (well I let my body have one normal period so I knew where I was and thought I'd leave nature to it... previously nature had taken over a year! So I was pretty shocked, and to be honest not ready atall.. it took quite a few months to feel 'good' about being pregnant!)

I'm so pleased to hear that! The bfp I just m/c took 14 months! We were waiting for our fertility referral but that's out the window as "we know you can get pregnant now" (yeh, great...). I really hope I don't have to wait anywhere near as long this time, can't go through all that ttc stress again. I haven't waited for af though xx
Hi ladies,

thanks for your replies and your lovely stories you have all really given me hope, I really do want to fall again very quickly but trying not to put pressure on ourselves
Yes best to 'leave it to nature' and TRY not to think about it too much.. I actually DIDNT want to get pregnant so quickly afer MC, and then did. Sods law, when you want to be pregnant it takes ages!!! I hope you both get your BFP's soon xxx
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Hi ladies,

thanks for your replies and your lovely stories you have all really given me hope, I really do want to fall again very quickly but trying not to put pressure on ourselves

Yes, completely agree about not pushing yourself into it if you don't feel ready. I found getting back to work did a great deal in helping me move on, just a sense of normality again. Hope you're doing okay today :) xx
so I tested again and preg test is still positive I cant believe im actually sitting here wanting a negative test when the last 18 months all ive wanted was a positive test!!
Ah I hadn't even thought about doing that. I'm gonna have to get some ICs so I can test :(
Hugs Yummymummy looks like I'll be in the same boat as we have been TTC since Drake was born pretty much.
hi violet,

ah yeah they advise you to do that after a m/c so that they know when all the hcg is gone
really? I was gonna say it might be my area and diff procedures but most of the ladies on here seem to have been told the same
Wow hasn't this been tough for you I hope you get the all clear soon so you can move forward.
The hospital gave me a test so I didn't have the upset of buying one.
Hey all just another wee update,

I got a phonecall from the funeral directors the funeral will be this fri at 9am I am absolutely heartbroken sitting here trying to type through tears.

The funeral director say there will be a little service before the cremation and there is a childrens memorial garden at the back which we can put flowers down, im absolutely heartbroken im sitting here absolutely howling :cry:
Awww so tough :(
Nothing I can say will make it easier, but you have my sympathies and virtual hugs xxxxx
Hi everyone,

Well we were at the crematorium today and had the service for our baby it was lovely but so sad.

We were taken to a chapel inside the crematorium where there was a tiny white coffin with flowers and a teddy bear, the chaplain then said a few words and (the coffin was in like a wee cove bit) then 2 iron gates got closed over the cove bit where the coffin was (I suppose that was it going in for cremation?) We were then led out to the childrens memorial garden where we could lay flowers we took some flowers as I wanted something to put down to let them know I was remembering them. I stood with hubby in floods of tears but at least I finally know our wee baby has been laid to rest and is up playing with the other angels x

R.I.P Baby Ross:angel2:
Aw hun that sounds so sad but so lovely at the same time! Wish I had had the strength to do that. Do you feel bit more of a sense of closure now? xxx
Big hugs, It's definitely one of the hardest things you will do. Something that just about broke my oh. I hope you have a peaceful night xxx
Hi everyone,

@millie yes its def brought me and hubby some closure because that is baby ross been laid to rest now and he/she can be up playing with all the other angels, so that now we know baby ross is at rest it gives us some peace.

@megsmeadow this whole process is def gonna be one of the hardest things il ever of had to go through, but at least baby ross is at peace now and that brings us comfort x
I'm glad you've got a sense of comfort and closure from it. It is such a hard thing to go through. Where are you physically atm have you stopped bleeding yet? xx
yeah ive stopped bleeding and mentally im better too not completely but less depressed and im much happier known that all the scans and procedures are done and baby ross has been laid to rest, it now feels like the end of the chapter and a new one beginning when my next af shows up. I know what I mean but does that make sense don't know if it comes across as scrambled or not.

I totally feel for everyone that has had to go through it or are going through it now x

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