
bubble_dreamer said:
well i rang up huggies this morning and had a moan :lol: they are sending me out vouchers to cover the cost of them as apparently it sounds like a manufacturing fault :roll: also said that if i have any problems with the other packs that i have got to ring them and they will send me vouchers for the cost of them too - like im gonna be buying huggies again :evil:
just hoping they can be used on other kimberly clark products :pray:

Yeah you can use them on allsorts I got them too when I complained. Asda also take them in exchange for anything, you don't have to buy the product they will still take the voucher :D
Tesco are quite good at taking them as well, i had a load of Vouchers for pampers about £10 worth 'cos i kept forgetting them lol

anyway i bought 2 packets that were on offer handed vouchers thinking they would refuse all except 1, the took them all and 2 big packs only cost me about £4 :dance:
I agree PAMPERS! Tried those natures gate ones - trying to do my bit for the planet and they were/are terrible ! they came apart in my hand!
i dont have an asda or a tescos near me :( its really annoying only have co-op and sainsburys :wall: and neither of them take the vouchers unless you actually buy the product :evil:
i stick to boots for getting my nappies with all the survey sites i belong to i always have loads of boots gift vouchers and usually get the pampers 2 for £16 the big packs for beth and with money off vouchers i usually only pay between 2-3 quid :dance: and i get advantage card points at the same time.

Not quite sure what im gonna do with all the huggies i have though :think: theres no way im putting them on rubie again :talkhand:
i took the huggies back to boots today - didnt have the reciept so didnt think they would change them but the woman was lovely and changed them over for pampers for me with no trouble at all :cheer:
and the half a pack of huggies that i had left over i put up on freecycle this afternoon and within half an hour i had a lovely lady contact me she is due in november and she is picking them up tomorrow so none of them went to waste after all :D
my tescos r crap with coupons!!!! :evil: :evil:

I am using huggys and they only leaked once and i think thats cos i didnt put his winky inside the green bit! opps xxxx
:rotfl: keely what you like woman :rotfl:

recieved a £6 voucher through from huggies this morning, though they have changed the vouchers and can only be used on huggies nappies or wipes :wall: no good to me then :roll:

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