Little lamb nappy


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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I sent of for the free little lamb nappy to try out reuseable nappies. I finally tried to use it this morning. I had the nappy on for nearly 3hrs and it was completely soaked, and had soaked through her body suit and trousers. Is this normal? Have I done something wrong? How often do you need to change real nappies?

I did wash the nappy first, as instructed but I must admit I tumble dried the nappy (along with the rest of my washing) and I had a tumble fresh sheet in there (I didn't add conditioner to the wash as they said not to). Could this be the reason?

Many thanks.
Did you use a wrap and a liner with it or just the nappy?
It was a nappy, an extra piece of toweling and an extra piece of fleece inside the nappy (designed to hold solids).
You can't use a nappy on it's own, you need a waterproof wrap to go on top of it and stop it soaking through to clothes.

Stanley's nappies are soaked through in 3 hours, that's normal :D
Ah-ha didn't realise that. Thanks. Maybe the swim nappy I have might work as a waterproof cover?
Have not tried that, but it may work (just make things a little bulky) :)
lily's nappys are usually that wet too, makes you realise how much they actually do wee though doesn't it.

yeah you need a wrap hun, i have the little lambs but cant comment as i havnt used them yet, Jakob has newborn mio bambino, but also uses disposables at the moment, wouldnt want to give my sister a tonne more washing while im staying here lol
so is it normal for reusable nappies to be soaked through after 3hours?
I normally change Alfies nappies every 2 hours we use little lamb nappies too and some from wee notions and they are generally the same, but yiou do notice how much they do pee. I would have thought they'd of sent you a wrap with the nappy , bit daft really.
yes its usual for them to be so wet....but then again the motherease that a boy at nursery used to wear never seemed that wet, did you wash it 3 times?
I've used cloth from the day Thea came home and its normal for her nappy to be soaked after 3 hours. I change her every two and half during the day.
I can't believe they didn't send you a wrap; seems silly.

I use Little Lambs when I am at home and disposables when out and about and at night and like everyone else says it is normal for them to be very wet. I was a bit apprehensive about them at first but it just takes some getting used to and they wash up really well.
A little tip; add some white vinegar to the wash when washing the cloth nappies to help soften them.

You need to change every 2 to 3 hours with cloth really.

Good Luck :D

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