

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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My neighbor has just shouted through the wall, "gonna fucking shut her up" because my daughter is on the naughty step shouting at her dad! Im fuming! We constantly hear the teenage daughters screaming and shouting at each other, the mother and daughters fightings, etc!!! Im so pissed off!!!

Oh dear :( I'm a great believer of you get out what you put in and, if all those children have known is shouting, then that's what they're going to do back.
I mean for goodness sake. Yes my daughter is is being a bit loud today but she's 4!
They had a group of teens in their garden last week and one of them was sick and everything!
I'll be so tempted to say something sarky next time I see the mother x

I'm not good for advice here, I can never hold my tongue. A sensible person would say to ignore the bitch and rise above it :hugs: x
I read it wrong-I thought it said HER daughter was on the naughty step! Sorry!
I wouldn't say anything but only because of the type of person I imagine she is!
Maybe I'll just shout back through next time her daughters are screaming and beating hell out of each other!
I could see the point if Eva was screaming and crying but she was being comical. She was going, " Daddy... Cooey....psssst dad.... Daddyyyyy....hello" I was in the loo trying to giggle silently xx

Im guessing it was the eldest daughter as she couldn't look me in the eye when I was bringing the bin in. They're a strange family (from the outside looking in). And I dunno how they all fit in! There's a mum, mums bf, gran, sister and her bf and another girl. Its a 2 bed house!!

Neighbours like this piss me off. When Phoebe was a bit younger and cried a lot (she had colic) the neighbours used to bang the walls :shock: even though they have two kids themselves who for reason like to play in our shared entry which just makes things echo and makes it 10x louder! I mean what are you supposed to do about a screaming baby. Kids are noisy at any age x
Neighbors like these should be ignored, they have real problems
Oh don't rise to it, wait for them to come to your face! Just smile and say you don't see the me it works better than stooping to your level...

Ah who the heck am I kidding, start screaming through the walls yourself!

We have chickens and our neighbours said that their daughter had to have blood tests because of the stress they were causing her through the noise levels. (they are free range, and like to point out, only have 2 and they are out of their way totally (large garden) and she works nights so not my fault anyway about noise during the day...oh and she is 25!) they called the environmental health people and reported us. This was a few years back now, so can assume they were in the wrong, not us. Also this came from the neighbours that do DIY at all times of the night and day, play music so loud it blares through their garage, through ours and into our house! I have NEVER complained to them, moaned privately but never to them. So when they came round mine to say that they had reported us I just laughed in his face and told him I'm up for the challenge and slammed the door in his face. Now he avoids us every time he sees we blatantly make sure we say hello to them ha ha.

Flipping hate knobby neighbours.
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Your daughter is just so little it's normal to be loud. What kind of neighbors you have. Don't they have a child. What people are out there...
Grrr to your neighbours!!!

I always thought a lady that went by everyday to town, quite a distance from her house was amazing ad she walks with a zimmer frame, shes only middle aged tho. I always smiled snd said hello, never got anything back tho.

The other werk i was walking devon to our allotment over her way and she was on the other side of the road, devon was tired snd needed a sleep which was why he was walking to tire himself out. I said it wasyime yo go in the puschair and popped him in it and he burst into tears, paddy etc. fine, i was ignoring him buckling him up. Hes 2 its natural. From the other side of the road this sweet lady was shouting shut up shutup over and over!!!

I make sure i give her no smiles acknowledgement now and if devons being noisy i make sure we walk right by her!!! Ha
I'd probably just ignore it this time, give them the benefit of the doubt and hope it was a one-off, but if there was one more swear word from them that my child could hear, that would be their last chance. I'm not saying I'd march round yelling at them - I'd always prefer to keep neighbours on-side as much as possible - but I would be advising them to come and have a quiet word if they have a problem in the future as bad language isn't appropriate in front of a 4-year-old.

I was on the tube in London a couple of weeks ago and this woman got on effing and jeffing at a fellow passenger that she'd clearly had a problem with on the platform or something. I don't know what started it, but this woman sat in the corner of the carriage shouting effing this and effing that for a good few stops. Well there were two kids about 7-9 or something with their mum on that carriage and although the kids were giggling, I could their mum was peeved. So as no-one else was going to bother, I asked her if she would mind toning down her language in front of the children. And luckily it shut her up completely. Terrified me as she was clearly unhinged, but her language was disgusting.

I'm such a hypocrite as I have the worst potty mouth ever, but (accidental slip-ups aside) I really do hate bad language around kids. I'll never forget the story of a friend whose son's first word was: "SH1T!" :shock: - gutted.
This is an old thread and thankfully we moved a while ago. Our only issue with neiggbours now is that one hates our pets :lol:

I have to admit I'm terrible for swearing but I really hate people swearing AT their kids. I heard one mum the other say, "come here you little shit" and grab their kids by the arm. Was awful to see xx

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:eek: I always say there is a difference between swearing in conversation by accident and swearing at the kids! some people are shocking with my temper id have gone round or dh would x

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