Growth Scan Advice


New Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Hi all,

This is my first post so please forgive the late intrusion! I'm just a bit concerned & looking for advice from knowledgable ladies. :eh:

Basically, at 28 weeks my mw measured my bump/fundal height as 26 cm. Apparently, this was on the small side, so she referred me for an ultrasound that week. At the scan, baby was measured exactly on the 50th centile (average) & all seemed fine.

However, I went back to my mw this week for a 30 week appt & fundal height was only measuring 27cm. I was referred for another scan yesterday to be told that babies' growth wasn't following the 50th centile anymore - it dropped under (although was still above the 10th). They said that fluid round the baby, hearbeat, placental flow all looked good though.

Anyway, I'm scheduled for another scan in two weeks to monitor growth -but I've started to panic a bit. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Is it common for growth not to follow a set pattern? (as an aside, I'm pretty short & small so not expecting a large baby!).

Thanks :)
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yes i had no growth at 35 weeks n was refered for growth scan and all was fine baby was showing as 5 pound9 at that stage and when i was at my 39 week mw appt she measured me and again no growth atall since last time so was sent for another scan and monitoring...but the scan was all perfect and baby was estimated at 8 pounds 2!! so even though my bump is not certainly appears to be!! xx
I always measure 2cm behind my week number which is perfect on the 50th centile.
I have never measured any differently. However, i would only get a scan if he started measuring more than 4cm behind...

Hope you find you answer
Thanks for that ladies. Yeah, I did wonder why I was sent for a scan when only 2 weeks behind at 28 weeks.

My main concern now is the fact they think that growth has tailed off since then...:eh:
I wouldn't worry too much hun as I had the same, they told me they were slightly concerned about Noah's growth + that he was going to be on the small side, then at my last scan told me that he was already weighing approx 3lb 1oz :shock:, it seems to all depend on who you see (it's different with me all the time) x
Lots of luck fingers crossed for u Hun. I was opposite in my last was too big worrying doesn't help they r professional and will alert u if there's any problems
Don't worry too much the measurements are all rough guides and not an exact science. Apparently last week at 39 weeks I measured 39 cm and this week 37 so either my baby or bump shrunk or the mw did it wrong. I'm not fretting earlier on they said I was 2-3 cm ahead and baby wud be massive scan at 36 weeks showed baby normal. I think its good they check but don't get too hung up on it xx

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