Measuring small


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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Hi Girls

Just wanted a bit of advice/reassurance

Up until now whenever my midwife had measured my fundal height it has been fine (at the top end of the expected range). However the midwife has just been for my 36 week visit and the measurement has actually dropped form last time. She has referred me for a growth scan and said I may need to see a consultant after.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Any shared experience or advise would be appreciated.

Thanks x
:hugs:My fundal heights have always been fine but did have problems with growth with my eldest which ended up with my being induced at 35 weeks delivered a healthy boy naturally and he came home the next day. they have kept an eye on me in last pregnancy and this one got a growth scan on mon. wouldnt worry too much, even if they say there is a problem you r basicaly at term now so chances of any problems r slim !! it may just b that lo has changed position. xxx
yh at 33wks i measured 32cm, then at 34 wks i measured 31cm, went for scan same day to check scan confirmed baby measured 34 + 6 weeks so actually almost 4 weeks ahead of what doc had just measured me
Thanks for your replies

I have been waiting since the midwife left for the scan dept to phone me with my "urgent" appointment. As I hadnt heard anything I have just phoned them and they have gone home for the day!!!!

I know everyone says dont worry but I would have felt much better tonight if I at least knew when I was having my scan
How much smaller was your bump?

when I was 3...4 weeks I think I measured 32, and she said not to worry as it wasn't too bad, but as well everyone in my family carried babies small and the bump was just all baby no water etc.

If it makes you feel better my little brother(now 13) was induced 3 weeks early as they thought he wasn't growing, came out 7 pounds and he's fine now :)
Was it the same midwife who measured you each week as that can make things differ? Baby can drop down as well which can make measurements different too. Hopefully you will get scan first thing tomorrow to set your mind at rest x
It's horrible not knowing :( hope they give u a date soon.. If I were u I'd call first thing in the morning :)
Thank you all. I am going to phone first thing in the morning on my way to work.

Iam 36+3 and measured at 31.5

It has been the same midwife taking the measurements each time so hopefully it is just that baby has moved/dropped. She couldnt feel the head either so I suppose that would make sense if baby has moved down.

I feel a bit better now after reading up on it and speaking to my husband.. I tjhink I was really worried that I had done something wrong as we have had a very strssful couple of weeks. Should have been moving next week and the guy we were buying from pulled out, leaving us pretty much homeless as we have sold ours!!!!
Oh god sorry to hear your having such a stressful time!!! Surely they can't do that??!
I was 31 at my check last week and was 29 at 28 weeks.. Not sure whats the norm on the lengths.. If she couldn't feel the head then I'd assume baby's dropped too.. Keep us posted! Good luck hun xxx

After much persuasion on the phone this morning I have an appointment for 8.30 tomorrow. We have just found out for definite that we can move into a rental property next friday. At least that gives bambino a home whilst we find somewhere else to buy!!!

I just hope he or she stays in there until after that - last night I started to have period like cramps and I have heard they can be one of the first "signs"!!!!
good luck for tomorrow sounds stressful!

just something positive for you my MW claimed my baby really hadnt grown for like 4-5 weeks and ive always measured behind by 4-5 weeks really, had so many extra growth scans, monitoring, induction hanging over my head, consultants etc but amzingly at my last scan just nder 2 weeks ago baby put on 1 whole pound in 2 weeks :) which bought their weight up to 6lb 3 and have let me carry on as normal now spurts can happen :) best of luck and i look forward to ready an update

Just to say aswell scan may show things completly differernt etc but just try to feel reassured as even if small think they monitor you on a scan every 2 weeks really before they make a decision on what to doxxxxxxx

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