Grazing (ff)


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Albert's been grazing all day. He's been taking 2-3 oz every 2 hours. Because I demand feed whenever he shows me his hunger signs I'll offer him a bottle but he has conked out half way through all day and I've wasted about 15oz of milk, not that I mind about that but I would prefer he takes the whole amount. He's coming up to his tea time and I am tempted to let him scream it out for a little while (puts in ear plugs) until he's really hungry and takes his 5oz.

How do you all deal with grazing, if your LO's do it of course lol xxxxxxxx
My lo usually does it in growth spurts and I just make up 2 oz and if he drinks that I offer a second 2 oz. Not much you can do really it will pass soon hopefully

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So he might be having a growth spurt then! Didn't think of making up smaller bottles :roll: thanks hun xxxxxxxx
That would be my guess, I dont know how old your lo is but mine is nearly 7 weeks and was the same up until a few days back x

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yeah they have a growth spurt at about 1 month, then 2 months then 4 i think. id deffo make less then just make more if he still seems hungry. Alyssa does that during growth spurts but then will monster 8oz in one go at some point during the day. i tend to field the grazing by BF'ing the snack times and just stick to her main bottle feed times to make proper feeds.
Yeah he's one month old now :)faint:). At his 10.30/11 feed last night he was still smacking his lips after the 5oz so had another 2 :shock:, only slept for 3 hours as well before sinking another 5oz

Hopefully he'll have another big weight gain then this week and I can tell the HV to f off lol
Alyssa did, 12.2 to 12.7 in 2 weeks then 12.7 to 14.2 in a week!
I think my lo knew we had this conversation he was up ever 2 hours in night and had no more than 3 oz lol he normally goes 4 hrs then two 3 hours.

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Evie does this. I never know what's more annoying, having to make up another bottle or chucking away a load of unused milk!!
I was gonna say growth spurt. You'll have one at 6 weeks too.

Maybe it's teenage rebellion already?

He's just had 8oz!!!! I am worried now that he's permanently hungry :roll:. He's just not settling for very long after feeds, I've increased his infacol to 2 drops per feed just to help him out with the extra milk and that's stopping the trapped wind. He's very cuddly at the moment as well

Why don't they come with an instruction label?
We are up to 7oz plus every feed at the moment. When the growth spurt is over will it go back down or will it stay at 7oz?

I wish he'd fill out a bit instead of just getting longer. He's wrapped in a white blanket this morning and looks like a chopstick in a napkin :roll:
he might take that amount permanantly now or he may go back down a bit, they arent predictable lol
Joshua does this but I am breastfeeding so feel like he is constantlt wanting booby! ha He went from 7.2lbs to 7.12lbs in a week so I think he is well and truly having a growth spurt xxx I just tell myself that it will be worth it in the long run and to persevere and it will calm down soon xxx totally normal though as their tummies are so small by the time their milk has digested they are hungry again xxx
How many feeds a day is he having? Xx

A minimum of 6, sometimes 7 or 8. If we are out in the car or for a walk he goes longer between each feed cos he's asleep. We reckon he's going to get us on Jeremy Kyle for never taking him out lol, put him in the car seat and he's zonked til we get home again :roll:
blimey/....he loves his grub doesnt he? he he xx
Lol, pmsl at the napkin/chopstick comment!!!!

He sounds so like Evie - get her in the car and I know she'll be asleep by the end of the road.

Their feeding habits also sound very similar. E sank 12 oz over 2 hours last night - eeek!! Think she might break the scales at her 6 week check this week.
He seems to have settled on mainly 6oz bottles over the last 24 hours. The only problem with soya is there's no hungry baby formula for it :(. He had 7oz for his last feed though last night and slept from 10.30 til 4 :shock:

Roll on the allergy testing so I can get milk on prescription. He's going to cost us a fortune otherwise lol

Helly it's frightening when they take so much at once :shock: I was sure he would pop the other day
i thought that of Alyssa a the other week when she was sinking 8oz in 1 sitting then 5 more like 2 hrs later but now shes barely taking 3 and im having to bf her more to make up for it, still only up to 7 or 8 so feeds a day tho she was having feeds at 8, 11, 2, 6, 9, 11, 3 before, just got an extra bf or 2 in there now and less milk in the bottles

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