teething and going off milk???


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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since C had his 2nd injections 2 weeks ago everythings gone pear shaped he was up to 7oz bottles 5 times a day then we had 2 days where he was quite poorly from the injections and on top of that started teething :( his feeding dropped right down but slowly picked back up and for last week all we can get down him a day is 4- 5oz bottles and if we are lucky a 3 oz bottle so hes gone from having 35 oz a day to between 20 and 25 so a big drop hes not unwell at all hes happy and sleeping well just doesnt seem interested in his milk anymore :( he seems to take enough to get rid of his hunger and then pushes it out with his tongue. i phoned health visitor last week ours wasnt available so spoke to another 1 who wasnt really interested at all told me he should be having at least 30 oz a day but dont worry just take him to be weighed next week great but doesnt stop me worrying so meanwhile weve tried all sorts faster flowing teats (still took the same) feeding him more often (didnt work he just takes less at each feed and the daily amount works out the same) teething powders (which helped him stop gnawing his hands but didnt alter his feeding) hes due to be weighed on tuesday just wondering if there is anyone else who has had trouble with feeding at this age and any ideas of what else i can try :pray: :pray: :pray:
sorry for such a long post xxxxxxxxxxxx
Exactly the same thing has happened to Jude following his 2nd jabs. Gone right off the milk, and he couldn't get enough before. Glad I'm not the only one. He's definitely teething too. Doubt whether he's getting 30 oz per day :oops:

Will keep looking back here for any tips...
Austin's been feeding differently since he's been teething, I think it might hurt his gums. I'm breastfeeding so don't know how much he's getting, but he tends to feed more frequently & for less time than he used to.

What weight is Christopher now? Austin was 13lb 3oz last Tuesday.
had christopher weighed today and he is 14-9 :D so he put on 10 ounces in 2 weeks he normally puts on between 14 and 20 every 2 weeks but i was pleased he had at least put on something after a terrible 2 weeks :( spoke to HV who thinks he is either having a slow couple of weeks as hes put on so much weight since birth (6-15born) or he might be going off his milk we have to take him fortnightly for a while to keep an eye on his weight and make sure he keeps gaining other than that she couldnt give us any advice on what to do and told us not to worry so we will see what happens in the next 2 weeks xxxxxx

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