Got my appointment for the infertility clinic.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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We are being seen on the 2nd December, had a right kerfuffle at the GP this morning about being referred. :rolleyes:

The doctor said we could have sorted the referral over the phone 2 weeks ago but the receptionist insisted we needed an appointment just to get the GP to make an appointment but when we got there, the doctor just handed us a choose and book form so we ended up doing it ourselves anyway. November was fully booked but I suppose it's not actually that long a wait as we are nearly at the end of October.

Just thought I'd quickly update you all as my Internet is down at home so can only log in on my iPhone.

Hope everyone's well! X x
Glad to hear your getting it all sorted did wondered where you had gone I left you a message on your TTC journal x
Ah thats good news not long to go it will be here in no time, Goodluck hope it goes well ;) x
Thats great MissJ :)

At least it'll be done and dusted before xmas so you can chill out xx
I'm glad you've got it sorted MissJ, that's only just over a month away so hopefully will fly by! Grrr to the receptionist at your doctors though, sometimes you wonder where they find these people! xxx
Great news :yay:. Is there anyway you can join a cancellation list? Might be worth asking xxxxxxxxx
Great MissJ now things can get moving , silly receptionist i hate having my time wasted x x
thats on my birthday haha, good luck. it will soon pass i'll count down with u lol :) xx
That's great news hun, its not to long a wait.

Are you being seen at maidstone if so we can be hospital buddies lol

Dr Ahuja is really lovely and she does the internal scans as well.
great news,hope they can give you some answers and baby dust! xxxx
Thanks everyone. X

Just glad we have a date now so I can relax a bit.

Vicky - No, I was referred to the Spires but the consultant said his other clinic would be better for us so had to be referred again. Would have been cool to have a hospital buddy! Lol. X
I'm glad your appointment has come too hun xx thinking of you x

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