Midwife appointment went really really well, measuring exactly on dates, mw thinks he'll be bigger than DD but she was only 6lb 5oz so I was expecting that anyway. She is still all behind me for home birth and has advised me to make a rough birth plan that I can then tweak and make more concrete after my consultant appt on the 15th September x she spoke more about the natal hypnotherapy and encouraged me to keep that up which I will be doing anyway as I LOVE it! All in all really positive appointment. Oh and she said that I'm looking fabulous! Yay!!!! Downside was having blood taken for anaemia tests which she explained and it's only a downside because I hate having bloods took! She also said that babies can go through growth spurts so Annie maybe your lil girl didn't grow for a couple of weeks and has now had a growth spurt? Hope that's all it is chick x