Got midwife today


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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And I can not be bothered! How awful is that?! I don't know if I can even start discussing my birth plan until I get the go ahead from consultant so I do have loads of questions for mw-I'm just tired and can't be arsed! Got fricken ear ache too! Grrrrrrrr! Someone go for me?!
ME ME ME!! I love to see the midwife!! Its a 50 min walk there for me but i dont care!!
:love: :love:
I have midwife too, hopefully my fundal measurement will be smaller along with my blood pressure.

Emma x
ME ME ME!! I love to see the midwife!! Its a 50 min walk there for me but i dont care!!
:love: :love:

haha awww bless you isobel,
Im not so keen now on going at first I was and then I moaned about not seeing her much and now I have to go every 2 wk im sick lol never happy.
Cant wait to see her at 40 wks tho for a sweep she will be my best friend that day lol
Ooooh fingers crossed for you Emma! My measurements were spot on last time and he booted her hand! Lol x forgot to take urine sample last time so must must must try to remember one this time!
I've got the midwife at 11am today - have to have weekly appointments now up until due date. I don't think we'll be discussing my birth plan but I am hoping for some reassurance re baby's size and to have some idea whether she thinks it is likely bubs will be delivered early or not. Fingers crossed not!

Anyway- good luck with your appointment. x
Fingers crossed for you annie! Let us know how it goes! x I don't have mine til 2.15! x
Jealous!! I got another 3 weeks until my next one!! I'm hoping to do birth plan so want the next 3 weeks to hurry up!
Mine isn't til 2 either Annie! Thankfully working from home so i can just sit here and wait without worrying about battling traffic to get there. Its only 400yards from my house :)

I can feel Isla bulging forward which isnt a good thing, it makes me look even bigger!!

Good luck ladies
Emma x
You can go to my appointment lacey's mummy! Lol. I have the appointment today, then consultant appointment 2 weeks tomorrow, then a home appointment with mw 2 weeks on Thursday to confirm home birth! Ugh!
good luck ladies i dont have mine till next week but get growth scan week after so not complaining x
Haha i can never be bothered with my mw appointments :-/ possibly because they have a little house in the waiting ro that takes me an hour to get my son out of!! Haha!

Im seein my mw tomorrow, i say MY mw, but i never see the same one soo A mw! Gettin a sweep so i think she may be my favourite person that day haha. But my mw last week looked like she was gunna fall asleep!
Consultant thursday for induction date too! Busy lady!

iv just blitzed my kitchen and livin room - been at it since 9:30 and i dont even have a touch of backache or cramps!! :-| what the hell is my body playin at!? GO INTO LABOUR ALLREADY WILL YA!!
Lol! Hope your sweep works! Keep cleaning and, if you have a yoga ball, keep bouncing x
Just had my appt and I'm measuring 36cm(!) and midwife thinks bubs feels like a fine size and can't understand how she'd be measuring small in the scan. V confused now. Have a Doppler san at 4 on the umbilical cord and may ask them to do some quick measurements because I am getting confused with the conflicting measurements!
How very confusing!! Hope they can give you some accurate measurements!
Yep, am so confused- my midwife said that if I wasn't already going for a growth scan then she'd be considering sending me for one but the reason would be because I am measuring big?!?
Good luck with your appointments girls! I know what you mean though, i have to drive out of town for mine, wait for bloody ages and only in there for about 5 mins!

Annie - Good that she's measuring bigger, even if a little confusing!

I had my appointment last friday, having them fortnightly now till i pop. Next one is next friday....I swear i'm seeing them more this time than i did with my 2nd son :eh:
Oh and when I went to the loo in the docs after my appointment I *think* some of my plug came out!
Ooo annie - what did it look like!? Lmao what a weird question!!

Weeeell looks like no mw for me tomorrow!!
Where i live we have to ring on tuesdays to get a mw appt for thr wednesday, well i just rung and shes fully booked!! But i said tothe receptionist that i was 40 weeks so couldnt really wait til next week (not mentionin that i see consultant thurs as i would like a sweep tomorrow rather than wait til thurs) and she said she would get the midwife to ring me..fingers crossed with an appt time or maybe home visit!


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