Gory details...


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
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At Loiuse's request! :-)

Ok so it's not really gory, but I was quite scared about the egg retrieval (ER) proceure, mainly because all info I could find on the net was pretty vague.
So hopefully this will help if any of you lovely ladies end up going through the same:

My previous scan (2 days before ER) showed only 4 big follicles, so my main worry was that they wouldn't get any eggs.
The first thing we had to do was for DH to provide his sample. We had the option of going in together, or just him on his own. We're both romantics so really want to do everything erm... together :-)
I then had to change into one of those lovely hospital gowns with the floppy open back lol! Then put on a paper head scarf and hospital clogs.
The doctor and embryologist and anaesthetist then all came in to let me know what was going to happen. I was told that I would be sedated as opposed to general anaesthetic. It would be deep sedation so I'd be pretty much asleep (and I can't remember anything about the procedure).
Then DH had to leave cos partners aren't allowed in theatre :-(
The worst bit then was having a little needle of local anaesthetic in my hand. It did the trick though cos I didn't feel the needle going in that they use to administer the sedation drugs.

Next thing I know is that the nurse is bringing in my hubby to see me, and I get loads of tea ad biscuits! Really no pain at all - vey slight discomfort, but really VERY slight. Maybe it helped that I only had 4 follicles as opposed to the 15-20 (or more!) that some people have.

The embryologist then came in to say they had retrieved 2 eggs (yay!) and then miracle of miracles... they would be able to do IVF instead of ICSI due to DHs sperm count increasing by 600% (yes six HUNDRED percent) compared to the last 3 tests!!! I will post separately about that cos OMG!! I have a lot to say about that! :-)

I then 'freshened up' (there was a tiny amount of blood, just like spotting before AF - not as bad as I thought it would be) and was allowed home. So I was at hospital 4 hours altogether.

So yesterday they mixed together my 2 eggies and DHs spermies, and called me this morning with the results...
Both eggs fertilised! Yay! :dance:There's a 95% chance that each fertilised egg will develop into an embryo, so I'm booked in to have (hopefully) an embryo transferred tomorrow afternoon. They would have preffered to leave them to develop for 5 days (so they can reach what they call blastocyte stage), but it's more risky so they won't do that with only 2 eggs.

Then it's just a two week waiting game until we can do a HPT.

Sorry for mega long post, but hopefully having a bit more info will make it less scary for you if/when the time comes.
omg thats amazing and reallllly doesnt sound all to bad altho my friend had ivf and she said it was all the stuff prior tat was crappy.... really hope u get ur bfp hun!!! :D and maybe twins ?? woohooo xx
Oh my gosh - Bead that is AMAZING!

That is my fear right there... i don't want to be naked below the waist and unconscious. I know it's irrational of me but, no no no. Not happening.

That will be something for me to work out with them :)

So what are you on now, are you on progesterone?

Assuming all goes well, will you be having both embryos implanted?

Oh it's so exciting! I've got everything crossed for you! :good:

(well, not my toes because i've developed a nasty case of athletes foot and they are so itchy :oooo:)

I'm off to read your other post ;)
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Oh wow! What a 2ww that will be! Sounds like things are going very well, and well done to both of you for being so committed to all those changes. I've got everything crossed for you both!!
THanks everyone :-) DH has been amazing with all the changes.

I'll start on Progesterone tomorrow (pessaries... ughhh) - first one will be immediately after the embryo transfer.
Alas the clinic has a policy for NHS patients that they will only transfer one at a time (it makes their statistics better if they have fewer twin pregnancies). Phuh! :-) Xx
It all sounds great bead! got everything crossed for your xmas BFP

Hope tomorrow goes well. x
Alas the clinic has a policy for NHS patients that they will only transfer one at a time

Pfft - how annoying. I'm sure the chances of an egg not implanting is much much greater than the chance of it turning into twins :roll:

Ah well, i think siblings are much better than twins anyway ;)
that's amazing!

Bit worried about the being sedated bit, if they are giving you a local aneathestic with a sedation drug, they may as well put you under with a general lol Oh I don't like to be put asleep or being out of it! Did you have the option to have the sedation as well or to be kept awake with just Local?

This time in 2 weeks time, near christmas you could get your BFP! A nice christmas present that would be

Glad everything went ok for you

Donna xxc
Hi Donna
Apparently it's down to the preference of the anaesthetist, so I didn't know until that morning whether it would be general anaesthetic or sedation.
If you have strong opinions though, I think it's worth telling the nurses at the clinic, to see if they can have a quiet word for you.
Hang in there though - if we get our bfp, it's worth going through it all, right? :-) Xx
Yes it is in one way, but I have a phobia, a proper big one of it and I don't think I could go through it....

Thanks for telling me

Donna x
So interesting, thank you for sharing your experiences with us.
And best of luck with everything, xx
I've got everything crossed for you hun. Really hope you get your :bfp: for Christmas. :D

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