girls wanting a home birth?* my update.. pg 3

I hated being on the maternity ward. I went home the day after having James but it wasn't soon enough. I was gutted cos James slept loads due to the pethidine I had in labour, but the baby in the next bed kept me awake all night with constant crying :wall: :wall:
Felt so bored too and spend all day waiting for visiting hours to start.

Hoping to be home 3 hours after the birth this time, though after reading your posts I might give a home birth some more thought :D The midwives here don't sound very keen on it though, I guess cos it means more work for them
Lisa will they post to the UK? Or am i on the wrong site lol.

I would love to book a home birth but i do feel like im tempting fate. Both my girls labours were straight forward and could of been home births, but i feel if i say yes to this one that i will need medical intervention :think:

Maybe thats just me lol
Im on for a homebirth but i think id rather stay dry. When i had Heather it went all to plan so im hoping this one will go the same.
muppetmummy said:
The midwives here don't sound very keen on it though, I guess cos it means more work for them

That's a shame - they really promote it here. Got something like biggest homebirth rate in country.
i only posted made in water site so everyone could see that it IS a birth pool.. they sell it on amazon for 14 quid and 5r p&p.. so it would be cheaper to get it off amazon.. amazon also sell a bigger pool on there for about 25 quid inc P&P im getting my pool tonight after ive seen the home birth midwife this afternoon..
beth3735 said:
Lisa will they post to the UK? Or am i on the wrong site lol.

I would love to book a home birth but i do feel like im tempting fate. Both my girls labours were straight forward and could of been home births, but i feel if i say yes to this one that i will need medical intervention :think:

Maybe thats just me lol

beth where we live is really really promoted for home birth.. plus you live closer to singleton than i do.. so if.... and thats a big if anythign went wrong you would get to hosp quicker than i would.. its something you need to think long and hard about..
When I asked my midwife about it she said 'we can't do that here', and went on trying to sell the midwife led unit to me.
I think I'd have to fight for it if I wanted one.

Is it true that if the midwife isn't available when you go into labour you have to go to hospital? ... 675&sr=8-3 here is the link for amazin..

anyway.. no thats not true at all.. infact its a mega cop out.. if you want a home birth then i would suggest reading this site.. and write a letter to the head midwife at your hospital stating that you are very dissapointed and feel let down that your not being supported in your choice to have a home birth.. etc etc etc.. and they will have no choice but to support you.. its government and hospital policy to support women for home births.. mostly because it costs the nhs a hell of a lot less..
Thanks for that :D I'll talk to my midwife again next time I see her. What I've been worried about is that if anything goes wrong my house is half hour away from the hospital, whereas the midwife unit is 45 minutes away, so maybe I would be safer at home
im the same.. hospital is 25 misn away from me.. and birth centre is about 35 mins from hospital.. and bout 10 misn from me lol.. so i fugure im safer at home..
the pool looks like fun but im doing mine dry due to my whole water phobia
my midwife isnt happy about me wanting a homebirth but tough titties to her im having one if me and hubby have to deliver it ourselfs :D
my consultant says she really recomends it though :)
manda xx
Can't believe I totally missed this post - been away with work!!!

I had a home birth with my second and the midwives were great, hey bought all of the sheets etc and took all the mess away with them, I didn't need any pain relief as I was so relaxed in my own home. I'm really looking forward to having this one at home because I know what to expect, and know how nice it is. The best thing is being able to use your own bathroom and get into your own bed when it's all done!!!
I am still undecided, i want a homebirth but then i love the social side and making friends at the midwife centre.

And Manda, i'm petrified of water and cant swim or put my face in water in the shower but at the time i gave birth, god i loved that water!!!! I was so shocked, i protested loadly when i had to get out after she was born!! :rotfl: It was so nice and warm.....
well i went yesterday, and tbh im none to wiser.. she said everything looks set for homebirth, im fine baby is fine.. but she wants to see me again at 36 weeks..(dec28th :roll: ) im seeing my community midwife on the 6th of dec so.. i suppose i will be asking ehr all the details of what i need.. im getting my pool today though.. not risking xmas postage etc etc...

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