Girl's name.....

I'm not too keen on the name Angelina, just because of the latin kind of vibe it has - like the latin version of Angela or something... but honestly i don't think it screams Ms Jolie either.

I suppose it depends how much someone is into their celebrities, which i'm not :)

I wouldn't worry about using it especially with you both having loved it for before. Go for it! ;)

In fact, now i think of it, all of my favourite girls names are the same first name as an internationally famous person :oooo:
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haha i was going to say no not after her after Angelina the ballerina that would shut them up if you like it go for it :)
While some people might query if it's after Jolie, as soon as you tell them no they'll not ask again and you'll have the name you love for your little girl for the rest of her life, just go for it I reckon if you like it.
Yeah I think it has to be Angelina! When I think of changing it for another name it makes me feel kind of sad so it must be meant to be! Now all I need is a boys name.....and no it won't be Brad!! lol xx
Yeah I think it has to be Angelina! When I think of changing it for another name it makes me feel kind of sad so it must be meant to be! Now all I need is a boys name.....and no it won't be Brad!! lol xx

Haha! My girls name will be Lily after my great grandma, and I let DH pick boys name and he's went for James - he HATES Harry Potter so I haven't mentioned that we've got Harry Potter's parents names picked cos I like them n don't want him to change his mind on James lol
Amanda,my name is Celine and everytime I meet a new person they say 'oh do you sing like Celine Dion then ?' and I force a laugh out like it's the first time I've heard the joke...sharing a name with a mega celebrity can be a hassle but saying that I heard Angelina (Jolie that is ) is talking about retiring soon, lol
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Lol, wookie! Yes it's annoying isn't it? Like just because someone has the same name as a famous person then they must be named after them? And it's weird how it's only some of the more unusual one would question a Nicole being named after Nicole Kidman or a Tom being named after Tom Hanks, lol. I think I'll just prepare myself for it and hopefully it'll die down after a bit! xx
The fact is I reckon someone will always have something to say about a name you pick whether it be "I know someone with that name" or "Errrgh, that reminds me of an ex boyf/girlf/friend" lol.

I think as long as you're happy with it and it wouldnt get in the way of potential job interviews for the bubb when grown, it's all good!

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