Getting to know you

ooooo...I want a go :)

Age: 22
OH Age: 21

With my OH for just over 2 1/2-ish years

ttc for 1 month (currently in second month)

Using to help concieve: OH's man parts

Pets: 5 squeaky guinea pigs

Lives: West Midlands
Age 33
OH 39
Married Jan 2007 but been together since 1998 :shock:

Been ttc since May

I am using Conceive plus and BBT but only on 2nd month of charting.
Taking Folic acid.

Pets 3 dogs. :/

Live Herefordshire
Hiiiiii :)

Me-26(almost 27 :o where have the years gone still feel 18lol) BF-27
Been together 2 years, not a long time to be ttc some people might think but things were and have been just perfect from the start :) :) wish we'd found eachother sooner

Never been pregnant before sooo hoping it will happen soon :) been ttc since july but have been wondering whether I have been ov and last month tests confirmed I did sooo this is the first month since ttc that I really feel we are in with a chance of getting out bfp :) :)

Awww did have lovely dog in a previous relationship but had to leave him behind :( still miss him to this day but that's life

Here's some xmas baby dust to you guys :) :) and I'm sprinkling some on myself tooooo lol come on xmas bfp's :) :)
Great to get to know you guys :) :)

Age: 33
DH: 41

Live near Hemel Hempstead

Married in July this year, ttc since Aug. Been with DH over 6 years now :love:

Currently using One step opks, but waiting for 21day blood test from doc and if all is well, then will buy CBFM. Also trying temping but not too successful atm. Taking EPO for CM. Think that's it

Loving pregnancy forum - am on it as much as possible and it's so great to feel like i'm not on my own with all this - thank you all!!!!

Fx for lots of BFPs :dust: look forward to chatting to you lovely girls soon xx
Cool idea! I'm new too so this is really great :)

Age: 24
OH: 27

Been with OH for 15 months, engaged 7 months. Wedding in April yay! :cheer:

TTC for 2-3 months (at first it was more NTNP though). chemical pregnancy last month but feeling positive for this one :)

Using to help concieve: Nothing

Pets: 1 very adorable yet insane kitten

Lives: Hampshire
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Hey peeps!

I'm 29, DH 33
Together almost 6yrs, married year and half
3rd month ttc.
Took periods 1 full yr to return after pill - just as well we didn't want to try sooner!
Charting, pregnacare
Live in county armagh, n.ireland
2 mini dachshunds (sausage dogs!) our only babies so far :)

Nice to meet everyone. Babydust xxx
Welcome Sparkle Dust :)

Age: 24
Married to DH for 21months
DS age 3yrs
ttc#2 nearly 2yrs
Using to help concieve: Anne Summers
Pets: 2 dogs (husky x collie & collie) though nearly ended up beeing 3!
Lives: South Wales
me - 29
dh - 32

Together - 7 years - wed for 3

ttc - since July 2010 (not had a bfp yet)

pets - dog

waiting for infertility appointment next month

Good Luck everyone
Hi ladies :D

Age: 28

Better half (?!) 37

No Children - the man of the house does from a previous relationship.

ttc - Planning for what seems a life time. His reversal was in August so officially since then. I have PCOS.

Using to help concieve: For me - Pregnacare since May, Cycle 3 of Metformin, CBFM for 2 months, CM monitoring. For him - Wellman vitamins since May and reduction in the man drinks of beer etc.

Pets: Previously mention better half!

Live North of Watford

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My Age: 27 (28 in February)

Been with OH over 10 years, we got married August 2011

We started ttc in September (after over 10 years on pill) and very luckily got our BFP on 23 November (10 DPO)

Used to help concieve: One Step OPKs, Sasmar Conceive Plus and Boots conception vitamins

Pets: 3 dogs (2 Yorkshire Terriers and 1 Cairn Terrier cross Bichon Fris)

Lives: South East London

:dust: to you all xxx
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