gender predicting and wives tales


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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does anyone have any wives tales relating what food you crave to what sex you'll have?

just for a bit of fun really.

for the record, im eating mainly rice krispies this week!
Spicy means you'll have a boy, and sweet is a girl.

Currently I like both, depending on my mood... :shock:
As much as I love the idea, let's just hope not!!! :rotfl:
if you have more hair than normal then boy and if the same then girl
I craved sweet orangeade when I was pregnant with Brody so that wasn't right for me.
It's a boy for me. :D

Here's what I heard and agree with if it's a boy.......

Increase in spots.
Increase in boady hair.
Less vomiting (but still bad nausea).
Here's what I craved.

In the 1st tri ....... savoury
In the 2nd tri .......sweet

Throughout........Orange juice
Ice lollies
I ate rise crispies and LOTS of chocolate, with my first two and they were both girls

this time so far i just want to eat savory things, i haven't eaten any chocolate for 3 days now, and I love chocolate anyway, normally eat it when watching the telly at night. Plus i have loads of spots!! I do hope it's a boy :pray:
mmm im craving cheeses and chips n greasy stuff what does that mean then?
I've been eating more sweet stuff than usual but not really cravings as such. I do hope that means its a girl :lol:
my mum craved oj with my brother, i craved oj since before my positive preg test and its a boy :cheer:
NIE said:
Here's what I craved.

In the 1st tri ....... savoury
In the 2nd tri .......sweet

yup i craved these too :)

mines a girl :)
My friend told me everyone she knows who has gone off tea has had a girl, she is predicting that for me as I normally never turn a cuppa down!
If your bump is "pointy" it's a boy, if it's more rounded it's a girl.

But consider I came out of my mom's pointy bump... :?
not sure if this is relivant but in my family morning sickness and huge weight gain means a girl if you hardly show and not sick its a boy
looks like im having a girl then :D
manda xx

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