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Funny turn


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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So I took a wee funny turn (as my mother would put it) today in the local shopping centre :blush: .. I was on my own

I was queuing for my subway when I came over all hot and dizzy, by the time I came to order I couldn't stand up, it was all I could do not to give out and just faint, but I didn't want to hurt myself when I fell.

So I crouched down on my honkers (for those that are old enough to know what honkers are .. lol!) and ordered from there. The poor wee teenage boy was a bit freaked out, I told him I was feeling faint, but could he please go as fast as he can.

I took off my jumper, and was wearing a vest top, I was sweating like a pig! I just kept thinking, get to the seat, get to the seat, get to the seat! So I made it, very shakily, and gulped my drink, then sat with my head on the table for a while. Started eating my sub and I started shaking violently - jumper back on. Persevered and finished my sub and cookie and felt ok after that.

Just went back to car and came home (only a 5 min drive).

Since then I've felt like crap, seriously have no energy, went back to bed and slept for 2 hours, and feel worse for it

Now, I'm not too freaked out, as although not something that has happened me very often, it has happened a lot in the grand scheme of things :blush: I've only ever fainted once as an adult (at work, with a customer - and for the few of you who know what I do .. how embarrassing is that!). I had lots of tests when I was 12 (I fainted 3 times in the first week of secondary school) and they found nought wrong.

So anyway - the point of this now very long thread is do I wait till my booking appt (30th March) or contact docs sooner to let them know. As my mum has told me that her and my sis had to have iron injections the whole way through their pregnancies. (I'll eat a bowl of spinach later! :lol:)

Very sorry for long post
Dr's sweetie!!!

Book an appointment, just in-case

I have taken a few funny turns (that's what my mum says too lol) since being pregnant. In tri 1, if I stood up for more than a few mins I got really light headed and dizzy.
I can now be on my feet for longer, but I find if my blood sugar is low, it happens again. It actually happened this morning while I was out shopping. Had to walk out of the shop and stand outside, then started to feel really faint, had to sit on the ground and phone my husband (who was luckily just around the corner) to come and get me.
I was ok once I got some ribena.

Keep a sugary drink with u at all times hun, and take a swig whenever u feel a little funny xx

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You poor thing :shock:
It's horrible when stuff like that happens. What you describe sounds like what happens to me when I get too hungry. The shaking and sweating plus feeling like you're gonna pass out describes it exactly. Maybe we both need to see the doc - we could be lacking something in the iron department? x
This happened to me in ASDA on Snday, shaking like a leaf, sweating, vision all shimmery and like I'm about to faint. It's horrible. Mine was down to low blood sugars and I felt better as soon as I'd eaten a mars bar xx
Sounds like we should be armed with chocolate at all times x
Yeah I felt fine after I'd eaten, I'll mention it at the booking in appt, that way if they need to do extra bloods they can.

I'm just worried that with having a history of this, it might become more frequent?

I think the fact that I was on my own made it much worse
Yeah I felt fine after I'd eaten, I'll mention it at the booking in appt, that way if they need to do extra bloods they can.

I'm just worried that with having a history of this, it might become more frequent?

I think the fact that I was on my own made it much worse

It really is horrid when it happens - alot like having a panic attack :(
Let us know what the doc says hun x
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Oh you poor thing hun hope you're okay now! Sound like your blood sugar was a bit low if you were ready for your subway. I've carried chocolate bars in my handbag for years as I get the same thing when I go too long without eating and only food can stop it! I eat every 3 hours to combat it nowadays, used to always faint if we had PE before lunch at school!

I've had a few funny turns too since being pregnant, in fact I've become incapable of washing my hair in the shower first thing in the morning without sitting down on the floor of the bath at least once or twice, as the combination of being warm and not having had my breakfast makes me feel really faint!

I think blood pressure is affected during pregnancy and we are more subseptible to changes in temperature and blood sugar too. I'd mention it to your doc/mw but try not to worry as it sounds pretty common. Defo keep a sugary drink or snack with you as Jayjay says too! Xxx
I've had a few funny turns too since being pregnant, in fact I've become incapable of washing my hair in the shower first thing in the morning without sitting down on the floor of the bath at least once or twice, as the combination of being warm and not having had my breakfast makes me feel really faint!

I'm exactly the same! I have to eat before I do anything in the mornings.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
That sounds super scary. Glad you are ok. Think it's a good idea to get it checked out and always have a handy chocolately snack just in case. (though in mycase a chocolately snack would not help because i probably wouldn't be able to resist scoffing it before i actually needed it).
Glad your ok now.
I'd definitely mention it to GP/mw. I does sound like your blood sugar was low, I get like that too if I haven't eaten. x
oh defo get to the doctors hun! could be blood pressure or diabetes brought on by pregnancy (apparently that can happen?:shock:)

when was the last time you ate before you went into subway?? maybe make sure you eat little and often. Easier said than done I know. x
Hiya tweety. I too am a fainter like you and it used to happen a lot when I was a kid/ teenager. And I have also fainted half a dozen times in my adult years. I have often wondered if i was iron deficient but any blood test i have had comes back normal. How far along are you? (I think there is a prob with some of the tickers just now so cannot see yours).

I got very dizzy between wks 6 and 9 and on one occasion when out for a walk with the dog (i live in the ar** end of nowhere) without a phone ended up lying down in the lane for ten mins so I couldn't fall! My BP was normal but slightly low for me.

They should to a full blood count at your booking appointment to check your iron levels. Like the others say, keep food and drink (and in my case a phone!) nearby all the time to boost your blood sugar levels.

If your worried it wil do no harm to get your GP to check you over.
Could be low blood pressure babe - or low sugar. As soon as you eat you was ok after - so it sounds like your sugar levels went up didnt it with you being fine after that ??
Awww Tweety i ahve only ever fainted twice once when i was at the same stage in preg as you, and once during a miscarriage. Def get your BP and Iron checked x x x
I have this alot, mostly before I go to bed or if I haven't eaten or drank in a while. Its horrible, I nearly spilt 2 boiling hot brews on me last night, I had to just leave them and rush to the sofa. My eyes go dead blurry, like almost black.
Poor scone. You must've been really scared. What the others have said really helps. Lucozade Sport is a life saver for me. Rest loads tonight and see your doctor asap xxx
Thanks everyone, I'm pretty sure its my iron as my mum and sister suffer.

The places I've fainted!

The first night of my holiday in the caribbean, I told OH I really wasn't feeling good. He left me up against a wall to go and get me a drink of water, and came back to find me in the middle of the road with my skirt up over my head and my arse in the air :bum:

In Disney world in the queue for Shrek

In the taxi queue after my Hen night in the pissing down rain when I was completely sober, managed to make myself legless!

Its so embarrassing - it comes with very little warning, and once I get "the feeling" its very hard to overcome it. My wee sis suffers the same.

It seems to start with feeling like I've been put in a furnace, then my legs forget how to work!

I really fought it today because I was on my own and I didn't want to fall and hurt peanut!

Plus I love that the guy asked me if I was buying a cookie, before he offered it to me as I was kneeling on the ground! Good Samaritan I'd say

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