Fundal Height Measurement


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Seeing as I haven't been measured yet (MW next week), thought I'd give this a go myself this morning. After a lot of Googling and poking, I'm 100% I found the top of my uterus (there's a very obvious drop above it), but it doesn't really correlate to the diagrams online like below.


Obviously I'm not a professional lol, and it may not be wholly accurate but my measurements give me a reading of 29.5cm. I can feel baby's head and kicks under my ribs now, just below my boobs, so she is definitely very high up, and not where the diagrams/internet says she "should" be.

Is this an indication of growth, or do some babies just sit higher? I've had a lot of comments on how big and high my bump is for this stage and especially for my first
The diagram looks out to me too.
When I was 13 weeks my midwife said she felt the top of my uterus "a little high" and it was only just below my belly button (about level with the 16 arch on the picture).

I am completely rubbish at telling what's what though and have no idea where it is now. Will have to ask at my next appointment :D

Can't wait til they start measuring, but I think the midwife said they don't usually measure fundal height til the 28 week appointment :(
I was always 2-3weeks ahead measurement wise with my bump measurements.

He did show larger by 2ish weekish on the 1 growth scan i had. Then almost 4 weeks on anther growth scan for his thigh and head measurements on 2nd scan at 36weeks.

They were booked for reduced movement though, not the concern of my bigger than average bump.

But i also had LOADS of fluid! My waters were never ending. Dont forget your placenta is in there too.

I don't think fundal measurements are accurate at all and it scares alot of women when measuring smaller or bigger! x
Kitty try not to worry. I used to work in midwifery and rarely women would follow the measurements exactly to their week! Remember you could have also had a growth spurt so your measurements could even out over the weeks. I was the opposite end and everyone commented on how small I was and at 30 weeks I measured 26. I ended up going into labour 3 days before my DD and had am 8lb 3 baby. So shows its never spot on. Try not to worry :) xx
To be honest, I was hoping to measure big so I get offered a growth scan and get to see her again lol :blush:
What will be will be anyway, I just wasn't sure whether I should really be feeling her under my ribs so soon!
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Also, wasn't it the end of may you thought you was due? So you could be a bit ahead of what the dates they gave as your edd.

I think unless its a good 4 weeks ahead as a one off they don't tend to offer the scan unless its happens for a few appointments in a row where your still measuring ahead.

Your MW will be able to reassure you anyway.
Book that 3D scan that you wanted! X
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