

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Found out my baby had died last weekend. Was meant to be 10+6 but baby only measured at 8 weeks. Had my D&C on Tuesday.

We have only been together for 5 months (known each other for a year) but we were both really excited about being parents and talked about being soul mates, moved in together etc so it wasn't like a little accident that ruined our lives.

I would love to try for another baby asap despite how scared I am of possibly going through mc again. Getting pregnant made me realise how much I want to be a mum now and how much I wanted my family to be with him. I'm 27 so the broodiness has really kicked in, it has for him too.

The problem is that a couple of days ago he told me he doesn't want to go through this again, atleast not for another 5 years and that if I want a baby really badly he isn't right guy for me.

I know it's probably his grief talking but I am devastated that he feels so strongly about not trying again. When we lost the baby last weekend he told me we could try again and now he has changed his mind.

I'm terrifed to bring it up again as I don't want to push him, I know he is traumatised by it all. I just don't know what to do. Yes I do want to be pregnant again within 12 months but I also want my family with him, not just any random guy :(

Sorry for the rant, just needed to get that out.
Sorry to hear about your loss sweetie,

It must have been a shock for both of you....

I would say give him a bit of time and see how he feels in a few weeks / months.

I know miscarriages affect everyone in different ways and it sounds as though he is putting a stop to the whole baby things as he is scared to try again so soon after this loss.

You both need some time to come to terms with this so see how things are in say a month?

Just enjoy each other at the moment


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