***Fruit of the day***

honeydew melon- with fresh blended raspberries drizzled over- yum! 'twas my christmas lunch starter
i'm back on the clementines now the shops have re-stocked and opened :lol:
am going to join you trix :-)

:oops: i am ashamed to say that i have a fruit free day...
*** sniffs around monster_munch like a weird little goblin ***

whats this- curious being, here in fruit-of-the-day??? i think its- *sniff* :shock: another person!!! *faints*

LOL :wave:

i must say, iv had a guilty fruit-free day too :oops: but i had clementines yesterday!

please dont leave me alone again! people pop in every once in awhile, then leave me :cry: this thread gets really cold and dark and spooky sometimes....

apple so far

got a bag of clementines tho :D

half price at sainsburys- £1.14! yum!
I've had a banana today so far but we have clementines out in the kitchen too, might have to indulge in a bit :wink:
I had a banana today and just about to have an apple- addicted to them now as I was bought an apple slicer for Christmas :rotfl:
I've just had a banana, 2 clementines and a glass of pink grapefruit juice for my dinner :D
Haven't posted on here for ages!

Not having my daily pineapple, melon, strawberry breakfast anymore.
Its now pineapple, melon, banana. Have you seen the price of strawberries! :lol:

I've also had a pear today and an apple. Not a fan of apples but it was a pink lady and it was gorgeous! mmmmmmmmmm!
saturday: clementines

sunday: clementines

today: pineapple
I had a clemetine with my slimfast shake this morning for breakfast.

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