***Fruit of the day***

thing from tesco- think it had watermelon, honeydew, mango, grapes, kiwi and orange in it. but i didnt eat the orange!
pear, melon, blueberrys and the last few strawberrys out of my garden
A fruit selection from Sainsburys! It was luuuuush.

Misslarue, I love your sig btw! It's lovely x
an apple, a bit of watermelon, a bit of banana and 2 tangeys.
i am now munching on cherry raisins, do these count? btw they are YUMMY! made by nakd, has anyone tried them???
Not tried nakd! What is it?

Sunday: 2 x bananas
Monday: Grapes
Today: Orange
Does a strawberry trifle count-it did have real strawberry bits :lol:

You have a great figure hun, mine is going to pot :wall: with the stress around me a the mo.
God when I get back to Kent i'm going to get fit and healthy.
yesterday i had:

a tangerine
2 apples
some pieces of watermelon
some pieces of honeydew melon
some grapes

dannii, nakd is just the brand that do the cherry raisins. u can buy them from boots. they are yummy!

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