Found out this morning I'm pregnant :yay:


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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I am nervously posting this - I understand now the fear and nerves that accompany a :bfp:
I am elated and then slowly started to worry about stickiness. Is this normal?
I am sure beanie is fine but I am so protective of it already. I want it to stick and be OK!

I think I will wait until AF date passes before getting a ticker. That'll be Monday. OMG I am preggers!!!!!!

I'm so happy for you!!:hugs:It's perfectly normal to worry! I did and still do!! Just try to take it easy and more importantly enjoy! xx
congratulations hunny!
of course its totally normal; dont get yourself in a pickle over it
try and relax and enjoy xx
You're here - yay!
Totally normal to worry, just take it a day at a time, then week by week. I have the fruit ticker & each week I get excited to see what fruit the baby is as big as. Just keep healthy, look after yourself and do what your body wants and you'll be sound :)
Delighted you are here xxx
Woo hoo! So happy for you. All those feelings are normal xx
Congrats again hun I think it's perfectly normal to be concerned about your new little been. Hoping it's super sticky for u xxx
congratulations , wishing you a healthy and happy nine months xxx
Congratulations!!! There is always something to worry about all the way through (well, that's been my experience!!!) but try to relax and enjoy it!!!

Welcome to Tri 1 ....... Its soooo funny how excitement at BFP quickly changes to anxiety and stress!! I know its probably an impossible ask, but try to relax and just chill...... I have been so laid back but have had a couple of moments of panic and then just :slap:

Congratulations xx
Congratulation. Welcome to tri 1 aswell xxxx
Congrats and welcome to tri1.

It's perfectly normal to worry, I'm still poas every few days just to make sure i'm not imagining it. Have you had any symptoms?
Brilliant news, congratulations :D

I think we all know exactly where you're coming from with the worrying, if you're anything like me, prepare yourself for it to get worse! I think it's mother natures way of setting us up for a life time of worry that goes with being a parent! ;)
hello........i'm still at the worrying stage so cant really offer you any

just don't panic with every little cramp and i did and am still doing...he he


Welcome to Tri 1 and congratulations! I myself panic a lot so cant really give advice on how to avoid it. Hope you have happy and healthy pregnancy!
Congrats hun!! :) I still get worries now and again but they are become less, and I'm starting to just enjoy being pregnant and to know our wee baba is growing :). I'm like jenny I have the fruit ticker as well and it is fun to see the different fruits week by week and to think that's how big the baba is hehe. Wishing you a H&H 9 months hun :) x x
Congratulations hun - as people have mentioned there really is ALWAYS something to worry about lol xx

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