i had no pain relief with my 1st and a mobile epidural with my 2nd.
with my 1st she came in 4 hours and coz it was soo painful i wanted it over as quickly as possible and ended up with a third degree tear due to pushing too hard. it took them as long to sew me up as i was in labour!!!
with my 2nd i had a mobile epidural which was fantastic!!! i was in labour 3hrs30mins and it flew by.
The epidural only took the contraction pains away. i could still feel the tightenings, the need to constantly pee (sorry tmi), and the urge to push. It didnt numb any part of my body, nor did it make my legs feel heavy/tingly. I felt everything, but was relaxed and let it my body do its thing. This time i didn't tear at all, so i had no fear of going to the toilet afterwards
The only downside was that you have to have your blood pressure taken every 5 mins as it apparently makes it drop, but mine went through the roof!!!
It took them 20 mins to do the epidural and 4 attempts to put it in my back (i swear he was using a blow dart from the other side of the room!!!)
The recovery after isn't very pleasent. My back hurt like hell for a week after where he stabbed me, my muscles still go into spasms and it is still bruised. Also where the saline drip goes into your hand, my wrist swelled up with bruising and is a bit weak.
But i suppose you can't have everything.