Flu Jab?

OOOHHH how strange. As the MW told me it was a combination. Or do you think it is just area related??
it maybe that it is area related but I didnt think that you could get them combined, google it haha xx
I don't know whether to have it or not. Midwife said it is the mix of Flu and Swine flu. I have only got a week left to go so I don't think I am going to bother.

So hard to decide isn't it.
I went today to the hospital to get mines to be told that they wouldnt give me it today as I needed the combined injection and yes it is in their fridges ready to go but they are not allowed to give it as yet!!! Sent me away to speak to my GP who said as of 3 weeks ago pregnant women are no longer required to get the Swine Flu jab only the flu jab!!! The GP is going to double check this as she was unsure what to do as everyone is saying something different!! Waste of an afternoon!!
Yeah I think im going to give it a miss, im getting a planned section anytime between now and my due date and knowing my luck I would get the flu jab and end up with a horrendous cold and it would prob be when I need the section lol xx
i didnt think u could have it as it is grown on raw eggs but im not sure xxx
Oh blimey, no one said about flu jabs etc , I don't think I would go for it anyway, I'm pretty sturdy, as my house is soo grubby! ha
I got muscle cramps and dizziness from the swine flu jab but I reacted the same when I had a glucose test. Flu is separate at my surgery and not been offered this but they distinctly told me it was different to swine flu.
I checked, the flu jab covers swine flu as well.
I think i will give it a miss unless there is a local outbreak then have another chat with the doctor.
yeah I read on the NHS website that the jags are both combined but there is only a 70 - 80% chance of not getting it even after the jag so think al just not bother if your not fully protected anyway xx

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