first tri chat ........

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope the sickness stage passes soon for you. I'm not looking forward to that bit. I had really bad all day sickness with James
Fab to see you here MM :D

My sister's waters have broken this morning :shock: She has been taken straight down to delivery and might have to have a section.

So, I am looking after her twinnies, thank god OH is on holiday! I am going to do a pic-nic for the twinnies and Jamie in the garden!

Hope everyone has a lovely day today, weather is gorgeous :D
HI guys can i join the thread too?

I dont know what to do with Isla today at the moment she is pulling all my washing off the airer and emptying my laundry basket. We went to the zoo yesterday like we do every week and they had a baby penguin so cute! :D

Hope everyone is feeling well and enjoying the sun? I might do some gardening with a little help from my isla smiler.... yeah right!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

LOL i just asked Isla if mummy is going to have a baby , and asked is it in my belly? She laughed and said boobs and poked my boobs, i know they've gotten big but surely the baby isnt there...... :rotfl: :rotfl: Maybe thats why they're 32G already!
Hey girls can I join too?

Am at work today and currently sitting at my desk looking out the window at the lovely sunshine wishing I didnt have to sit here.

Had a few cramps a minute ago which scared the life out me but I sure that is all parr for the course. So excited to be pregnant cannot believe I am going to have baby. Went over to one of my best friends last night who has as 4 week old (she is just adorable) and it was amazing. They dont know I am pregnant yet it was really hard keeping it a secret.

Cant wait for next week we are telling my mum & DH mum & dad on Weds how exciting.

What have you all got planned for the weekend? :wave:
not alot , mum wanted me to go visit but ive got to see the district nurse on sat and sunday for dressing changes , my hole is so close to healing they dont wanna mess it up , its not deep anymore just open !

hubby is working till midnight today and tomorrow but is off sunday!
I dont know what to do with Isla today at the moment she is pulling all my washing off the airer and emptying my laundry basket.

:rotfl: I remember when James was that age he was constantly pulling all the books out of the book case, I spent my whole life picking them up. These days I'm picking up Lego, why do they have to make the bits so small! :D
:wave: Hello girls. I'm working as usual and trying to cope with paris too :cry: I'm really struggling at the moment. Waiting for some support group details and hopefully I'll be able to chat to peeps in the same situation.

Works boring too and my house is a tip :lol:
Aww sorry you are not having a good time at the moment Babylicious. Hope things start to improve soon :hug: :hug:

If it's any consolation my house looks like a dump today, I have 3 children under the age of 5 running around :D
just been watching that video in the sticky about the first two weeks. I'm a bit disappointed. My bean won't even look like a dinosaur for another 2 weeks. It looks like a lump of playdoh at the moment :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol I know when I was pg with Jamie I couldn't believe what they look like at first :shock:

It won't be long 'till it looks like a dinosaur for you :rotfl:
Rah!!! I've been in all day waiting for the ps3 to arrive and it hasn't, had to play with lego when we could have been in the park in the sun :wall: :wall:
Good morning! How is everyone feeling today?

I woke up this morning to take my temp (gonna take it till cycle day 31 as thats the longest cycle I've had, want to make sure af has forgotten me)
When I checked the clock to check if it was 6am (when I normally take it) I found it was 3.50am! I never normally wake up in the middle of the night :rotfl: :rotfl: Found it really hard to get back to sleep as well.

I've found I've been having weird dreams the last couple nights, where I normally don't remember my dreams. Last night I dreamt I had an implantation bleed :lol:

I'm going into Aberdeen this afternoon to find something to wear to a wedding later in the week. Last time I looked I couldn't find anything so I'm not looking forward to it.
Got to get James some school shoes too cos he's starting school in a week and a half!! :shock: :shock:

The ps3 finally arrived a little while ago, OH is gutted cos he's working this morning :D
morning !

had a rubbish night , had this horrid taste in my mouth that made me feel :puke:

hubby on another late tonight :shakehead:

oh and ive woken with the biggest double headed spot on my nose :rotfl: :puke: wonderfull lol
Aww G3M bless you, my skin is tragic too!

For those of your waiting for your playdoh to become dinosaurs, i always called Isla 'snot prawn' until she was born one of the websites had a 10 weeks old feotus which looked like a prawn covered in slimey snot. This time my baby is called peanut as on the scan it looked like a peanut.

Not sure what to do this weekend, got some gardening to do and might take the kids to the new outside pool at the park , its free and so lovely and new.
Aww G3M bless you, my skin is tragic too!

For those of your waiting for your playdoh to become dinosaurs, i always called Isla 'snot prawn' until she was born one of the websites had a 10 weeks old feotus which looked like a prawn covered in slimey snot. This time my baby is called peanut as on the scan it looked like a peanut.

Not sure what to do this weekend, got some gardening to do and might take the kids to the new outside pool at the park , its free and so lovely and new.
I slept ok, which is surprising as I am terrifired of flying and I am going away this evening.
I felt icky and had the taste in my mouth before I went to sleep, I woke in the middle of the night too, bursting for a wee :shock:
Woke up at 9.30am, feeling fine, no major annoying symptoms today. :cheer:

As for spots...I usually get REALLy spotty around AF, but with previous pgs, my skin has always been nice. I had a little inkling I was PG this week when there were no spots! Yey!!
Snot prawn!! Haha! Thats a good name. Mine's ickle bean at the moment.

I'm trying not to get attached in case something bad happens but it's very hard. That's my biggest fear at the moment, that I'll get all excited about it and then at the scan they'll say it's an empty sac or something. I wish week 12 would hurry up!
morning girls, seans doing the house work :angel: so i've just logged on for a while. Feeling a bit rubbish today, got another headache :wall:

But I get some peace this afternoon from seany as he's off to pub n footy with his mates

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