And so it begins...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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oh no i think i spoke way too soon!!!
This morning I woke up with the worst taste inmy mouth also thought i was going to chuck!
Anyway at work now i feel absolutly awful my tummy feels really odd like a washing machine im not even joking.

And i also have a burpy feeling, with salvia, not throwing up yet but i have a feeling its going to come at some point
this week.

Gosh how am i going to dull this down at work?? whats going to happen when i start chucking up...

oh no!!! Any tips on surval during work?
If you can take something to suck on like sugar free polos it really helps. I have a few in my bag as I get a bit of nausea when on the bus and I just have one before I go on it and I'm fine. Don't go anywhere with an empty stomach, eat little and often! Starting the day on dry toast is good too, I was really bad with my son but swore by dry toast. Hope it doesn't hit you too hard hun!
Eating little and often sounds like good advice to me. Eat before you get hungry and drink before you get thirsty - it's worked for me.

And besides, there's that terrible tummy bug that's doing the rounds at the moment - you could just make out it's lingering a while...
Thanks girls for replies, got back from workie not too long ago i wish i could take a sickie but i was off for 3 days last week with cold etc symptoms.

Its amazinf what a few days can make on symtoms my back and tummy are killing not hurting but its so uncomfrtable lets help its all good signs :)

Hiya! My boobs are SO sore!!! It got to the point on Saturday night when every time i moved in bed, the pain woke me up! Last night i slept in a sports bra and it was a bit better. Fingers crossed no sickness yet!!
he he its my nipples DH caught me lying on the sofa with them whooped out and cucumber slices on them...pmsl...might as well lose the dignity early!
Aww hun :hug:

Try to eat little and often, I read that snacking on banana's and wholemeal toast help (thay get your sugar level's up or something). I just snack on anything I feel like I can manage though. My friend even had snacks in the middle of the night, just a biscuit or something like that.
I feel so rough now after coming out the bath, but at the same time im really glad, i was worried i wasnt getting any sickness...

I know when u mean about the nips just felt them now feel a bit sore...

I tried to hide it from college, but after the performance today they all know.

I too was trying to stop myself being sick, half way through an english lecture, i had to dash for the door holding my mouth and running down the corrider. Now they all no i am expecting as i could tell with the big grins i got when i walked back into the
Hehe thats funny Sara, like somethign from a movie. How old are you?
How do you feel whilst studying hope u dont have any exams coming up otherwise u might have to have a sickie bucket ;)

I'm 23 nearly 24 this year ( no drinking this birthday though if i decided to BF)
I'm at college because i'm doing an access course for mature students, i'm finding it hard at the mo with the sickness, but peanut due Aug 5th which is the hols so hopefully i'll still be able to continue with my final year in sep then its uni for 3 years, i put this off when i had harrison but i am determined to stick it out this year as i want to better myself and always dreamed of being a social worker. I'm only there 2 days a week and now they all no everyone is being great about it.
dry crackers any time..also i would tell your bosses the truth because if god forbid something happens you need support from your work collegues and bosses..and im sure they fully understand if you run off to the toilet every now and again and like that they wont think that youre on a permanent hangover
I've just started with the queasiness today. I'm a bit worried as I deal with customers in person and on the phone a lot. It is going to look really obvious if I have to run from the room to be sick lol :D
Well thats it for me tonight im about to head off to bed in a mo says it all really lmao!

Im completly pooped!
I stopped having milk / cheese as that set me off. Now I carry cereal bars (eg alpen bars) everywhere and munch on them every time I feel an empty feeling coming on. I also drink pepermint tea and loads of ginger beer (they are both supposed to settle the stomach). I dont know if the sickness has naturally calmed down or if these measures have helped but it seemed to get better after I started taking them so I'm not going to stop!

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