first tri chat ........

Hope you guys are feeling better soon :hug: :hug: , you're not far off the 2nd tri

James just asked me if we can have twins and call then George and Georgia! :rotfl: He said if we did they could share their baby toys :D
Afternoon all,

:hug: for all those not feeling well.

My sister has still not had her baby, contractions keep starting and stopping again, so she is a bit fed up.

MM - I was looking after 2 1/2 year old twins yesterday and they were such hard work! I thought it was bad enough having one!
Just remembered it is our wedding anniversary today :oops:

Neither of us have bought cards so we can't be upset with each other :D
Happy anniversary!!!! Better you both forgot than only one!

I went into Aberdeen and found a lovely dress for the wedding I'm going to. Got it in Monsoon, £135 reduced to £40. Its a white and pink silk strapless dress. Got new shoes and bag too :dance: :dance:

Went into Clarks to get James school shoes, they've got a toy car in the heel. The teacher will love me! :rotfl:

OH is just on the phone telling his parents that I'm pg. I don't even know if they'll be pleased or not! :shock: :shock:
Thank you! Have spent today just sitting by the phone to hear from my sister who is in labour. She started contracting last night and was 3cm dilated but then everything stopped :shock:

They let her out for a couple of hours this afternoon and then I had to take her back in so her hubby could get their twins to bed, we got there and she realised she had left her notes at home and so I had to go back and get them and take them to the hospital.

I am pooped, so gonna sit and watch some cr@ppy telly for a bit.

Night all x
Good luck to your sister fifi!!

I've got work today. Working 8am till 630pm, and even though I get an hour and half of breaks I'm a bit worried about how I'm gonna find it cos I'm on my feet all day!

I went to bed at 9pm last night cos I was so tired, very unlike me, I'm normally up till around midnight. Since yesterday evening the backaches have started kicking in. I feel like a hyprochodriact, got cramps, backache and headache so far this morning, I'm sure it would be long before the nausea kicks in too! Never felt so good to feel like poo though! :lol:

Hope everyone has a fab Sunday 8)
morning girls , didnt have a too bad niht last night , even managed the washing up :oops: sleep was disturbed tho , when isnt it nowadays ! weird dreams too , i had 2 pet monkeys and they died :shock: .
Morning everyone,

My sister still hasn't had her baby yet :wall: but she is still in hospital and am just waiting for a phonecall for an update.

I am really tired today and have no energy at all, and I just seem to feel sick all day every day :(

No plans today, just gonna relax and wait to go meet my new nephew, if he ever comes :D
My sister has been sent back home again :shock: She is really fed up, she is still only 3cm dilated, they could actually feel the head, but she isn't having any contractions. She is only 34 weeks so as long as baby is happy they are going to let her go as long as poss, they even said they would like her to go to 37 weeks.
Some waters left but she is still losing. She can stay home if things don't change but has to go back in the morning and be monitored again.
when my waters went they said i would only be left 24 hours :( Hope she has baby soon though, long labours are horrible and so tiring
I had to have my waters broken, that was sore :shock:

Good luck to your sister! Poor thing must be really fed up
morning all :wave:

back to work today after 4 days off :(

had good day yesterday , felt not too bad , but last night had a tiny spottin again but nothing this morning .

had horrid dream tho , lost baby and i was holdin it :shock: :cry:
aww G3m :hug: I wouldn't read too much into it, I usually dream about lizard people :shock:

I'm working today too, over did it yesterday with the cleaning and we have veiwings today.

Paris is back to playing me up so it's monday and she is already grounded for the week :wall:
What a horrible dream Gem, I wouldn't worry about it though. Just your fears playing out in your dreams.

Have you been reading that David Icke book Babylicious? The one about the Royal Family being lizard people and the presidents/prime ministers being mind controlled by them? :lol:
I got a quarter of the way through that book and thought it was far too disturbing even for me.

Just realised after today and tomorrow I've got 2 weeks holiday from work :cheer: :cheer: I booked it cos James is starting school and is only there a couple hours a day for the first week.

I really need to find a new job. I can't see me being able to carry on with my job as I get bigger cos I'm on my feet all day with a lot of lifting, bending and stretching. If I told them I was pregnant they would probably make me sit on a checkout permanently which would do my head in.
Would much rather go back to working in a nice comfy office.
Just updating my cv, really having to force myself to do it. Work is the last thing on my mind :lol:

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