first tri chat ........

My sickness is not as bad as it was but it still comes back now and again. Yesterday lunch time I felt extremely sick in the car and was worried I'd throw up, but I think that was hunger, felt better after eating a sandwich.
Feeling a bit sick at the moment but I'm ill anyway.
Sorry hear you're not feeling very well Muppetmummy, hope you feel better for the weekend :hug:

This has to be the longest week!!
Awwww that sounds soooo, gooood!! I'm stuck at work but all I want to do is slump into a bath!! Have a good long soak for me too. :D
Had my soak and although it was lovely at the time I feel zapped of energy now. At least I can relax in comfort now though, instead of feeling grotty :D
Becs you have my sympathy, stuck at work all day with a streaming cold and I'm too hot!!!

Oh for a nice bath and to put my feet up!!

Never mind kid, finishing work at 32 weeks all being well and then I am gonna do some serious pampering!!!
I can't sleep :x :x :x

Only got about 2 hours sleep last night cos of my cold. Spent all night choking on my own snot and unable to breath through my nose.
I spend all day today in bed cos I felt so ill (cough, sneezing, vomiting, stuffed up yet still runny nose, headache)

Anyway, this evening I thought I was feeling a bit better, then I start throwing up almost digested food mixed with stomach acid that burned the hell out of my throat. (I think there was a bit of blood in there as well, but I've probably strained my stomach with all the coughing I've been doing) Just got up to drink a glass of milk and threw that up as well :cry: :cry: My throats still burning and I'm not sure I won't be sick again. Just want to go to sleep :wall: :wall: :wall:

I'm worrying now that my baby's being harmed by it all (though I know it's unlikely). Damn OH for bringing germs home from work, I'm just waiting for James to catch it now :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Sorry for ranting..I'm just bored with being sick, I'd just gotten through the morning sickness :wall: :wall: :wall:
milk makes me sick even now !

try ice cold water or sucking an ice lolly to get rid of the burning of being sick , i drink while im being sick seems to help a wee bit .

hope u feel better this morning , and omg ! your nearly with us in 2nd tri !
Thanks Gem, I'll give those a try. I managed to get a few hours sleep this morning, just trying to eat a yogurt now as an experiment.
Wanted Weetos really but thought I'd avoid lumps just in case :lol:

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