first tri chat ........

Morning girls,

Glad you had a better day G3M, but sorry about your dream - but it was only a dream :hug:

Jamie has another 3 weeks before he starts school and he will be there all day straight away, I was looking forward to it but now I am starting to dread it. I am really gonna miss him :(

Update on my sister - she is back in hospital and last we heard contractions were every 15 mins so hopefully won't be too much longer for her :pray:

Hope everyone has a good day, looks like it is gonna bucket it down here.
Hi, thought I would muscle in as I am at home today and bored and worrying about being pg as usual! I did my back in again on Saturday and have been resting. Off work today and tomorrow. Had a car accident a month after my miscarriage earlier in the year and thought I was over the worst ahhhh. Did another pg test and the line was fainter than before 2 weeks ago but it was the test which has 2 lines, the 1st one to say that you are pg, the 2nd comes up anyway. My 1st line was really definate so hopefully ok. This is doing my head in!! Have felt nauseous yesterday and today but dont know if it is related to the back pain!!! What a rant!
Hope your sister is ok fifi. x
Hello and thanks for your well wishes :wave:

Still no word from the hospital - it is driving me mad :wall:

They were on about inducing her and if that doesn't speed things up they are gonna take her down for a section, which she is terrified about as she had a bad experience before.

Hope it happens soon :pray:
My sister has had her baby :cheer:

She had to have a section in the end, she is only 34 weeks and he weighed 5lb 4oz :shock: imagine if he had gone to term.

He has to transferred to another hospital to have a little help with breathing etc but nothing too serious.

I can stop chewing my nails now :D
Yay congraulations to your sister, thats a huge baby for 34 weeks!!!!!! Good job he was early, does he have a name? :cheer:
His name is Oliver Richard. I am really excited but we are not gonna be able to see him yet, the hospital he is getting transferred to is out of town and we don't know if my sister is getting transferred with him or not. Her last pregnancy she had twins that were born at 26 weeks and so she didn't have her babies by her side then either, she is gonna be really upset :cry:
congrats to your sister !

back from work now , had a weird day , havent been able to eat , which then of cause made me feel worse , wasnt that i felt really hurrendously sick , just the food tasted rank and i couldnt swallow it ! think ive lived all day on a bag of malteasers :rotfl: so have had an early dinner , hope i feel better in a bit :dance:
No they are boy/girl twins.

Both sister and baby are being transferred but not tonight cos baby is not well at all :cry:
I hope your sister and Oliver are OK! :hug: :hug: He is a big baby for 34 weeks. James was only 5lb 15oz born at 38 weeks!
any news ? how they doing ?

morning everyone :wave:

wow they werent rong about todays weather ! :shock:
Good morning!

Keep us updated about your sister and Oliver Fifi :hug: :hug: :hug:

Whats the weather doing down there Gem? It's a loverly sunny day up here, it would be of course cos I'm at work most of the day :lol:

Tested with another ebay cheapy this morning to check that I'm still pregnant and it's not just wishful thinking. The two lines were almost the same colour! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Just realised it's James' last ever day at nursery today :shock: :shock:
He's gonna miss the last 3 days cos we're going down South for a wedding, leaving tomorrow, back on Friday. James is having a sleepover at his grandparents and is really excited about it. Will really miss him although it's only one day I won't see him.

He starts school on Tuesday :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Morning everyone,

Last I heard from the hospital is baby Oliver has been transferred to hospital out of town - but he does seem to be doing better, he went from being on 100% oxygen to 30%, so that is really good progress. They are going to have to check for infection which means they may have to do a lumbar puncture :(

The problem with his lungs is not to do with prematurity - he had a good birth weight - but to do with infection. It made me a bit angry last night because from her waters breaking, she had 4 full days before they delivered him and she kept getting sent home etc. I always thought that as soon as the waters broke baby was prone to infection.

Anyway up to now everything is looking good, thank you all very much for asking :hug:

Sorry for the long, rambling post :oops:
Sounds like he's making good progress. James had a lumbar punch at 6 days old cos he stopped breathing and they had to rule out meningitus. They never found out what caused it, they did every test under the sun but never found an infection. He stopped breathing several times in hospital, then after a course of antibiotics he got better. It is unimaginably horrible when your babies ill.
I hope he's better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Been to the hospital to see baby Oliver today, he is absolutely perfect but very poorly. He is riddled with infection and it is in his blood so affecting his whole body. They are gonna try to carry out some tests within the next couple of days but at the moment he is too poorly. They are treating it as meningitis but can't confirm until the tests are done, but it is good to know they are covering all bases.

My sister has finally been transferred so that she is with him as he is in a hospital out of town. He is a very beautiful baby and if it wasn't for the wires and tubes it would look like he was perfectly healthy too.

Thank you all so much for asking after them and listening to me ramble on, but if I could just ask for some positive vibes for him to get better they would be much appreciated :pray: :pray: :pray:
morning everyone :wave:

im sure we can all manage to send baby oliver some good vibes :hug:

well its wet here again today :roll: how many times did i have to pee last night , be glad when bubba has popped out of my pelvis !
Poor oliver, at least his mum's with him :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope they're both out of hospital soon.

I'm going down to Derbyshire for a wedding today and won't be back until Friday. Just finished packing. It's nice to have a couple of nights away from home :cheer: :cheer:

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