first tri chat ........

i havent made it to work ,first time since being preggy too , got in my van and was god im gonna be :puke: or from the toher end :oops: , must be cos of bad night lastnight , wasnt well , hubby was late home from work , whcih u prob think its bad but when it means he gets home at 4 am instead of 12.30 am it does effect me , cant sleep proper till his home , and then by the time i fell asleep this mornign was time to get up :cry: so feeling bit sorry for myself today , sure once ive slept i'll be cool again .
:hug: :hug: Sorry you aren't feeling very well. Nice day at home drifting in and out of sleep and watching cr@ppy telly! Bliss :D

Hope you are feeling better soon.
Hope you catch up with your rest today and you feel better tomorrow...
Hope your day gets better :) I'm avoiding going outside at ALL costs.. my hubby came in the door earlier sweating from head to toe cos of the blaring heat in Spain today! I might consider sitting in a cool bath for a bit if things dont cool off slightly..
Aww I know we are all whinging about the weather here, but I know it isn't always nice when it so hot as well.

Get yourself glued to the air conditioning and have lots of long cold drinks :D
morning all :wave:

how is everyone today?

, i 'think' im a little better , altho woke up with a head ache :wall:
now i feel babd again :wall: gonna try go to work tho , see if i can get further then my road today :roll:

just weighed myself too , ive lost a stone since surgery ( 12 weeks tomorrow) :shock: shame i dont feel like i have ! :?
i had the worst sleep ever and now i have a thumping headache :wall:

ive been too scared to get on the scales since finding out im pregnant :shock:
My headaches come and go, I still feel like something the cat has brought up :x
such a bad , have come cloe to being actualyl sick so many time and have talked myself out of it :cry:
lol everyone seems to be falling to pieces ? Your poor things! Have some choccies!! :) I'm blooming today cos i heard babys heartbeat on the doppler at the docs. Mind you I thought the nausea had all GONE now but I heaved quite a bit again whilst parking my car in the garage. :twisted:
Cor I am so tired - been to the park and walked the dog, I need sleep :sleep:
Morning girls :wave: Hope everyone is well.

I've had a bit of a funny week, been feeling really tired, spotty, sick and emotional. It all just kinda come out of nowhere and have just been a wreak all week.

Anyway, it is DH's last day at work and he is now off for 2 weeks :cheer: . Making my first doctor's app for next week, so will feel better about that. So hopefully I will start to feel a bit better about things.

Tonight me, DH and DS are off to Liverpool to visit the in-laws for a couple of days, kinda dreading being in the car as the motion is making me feel sick. Will miss being on here, hope everyone has a good weekend :D
Hope you feel better soon fifi :hug: Have a nice time with your inlaws.

I'm feeling fine today shock horror and finally have some energy! Paris is playing in the garden, and I've managed a load of work, so may just take it easy for the rest of the day. The weather is so nice too
Glad your feeling better :hug:

Weather is a bit cloudy here but still very warm, so Jamie is in the garden playing while I am tidying and getting our bags ready for tonight.

When everything is done, I'm gonna sit in the garden for a while with my book and a cheese and ham pannini, yum! :D
I've just had a cheese toastie yum, Paris has been outside with a few friends, so has just come in for lunch
Good morning everyone! I can't believe I'm here, I just hope I get to stay! Feeling a bit worried that something might go wrong at the moment but I guess that's natural.

Got to stay in today cos I'm waiting for OH's PS3 to be delivered. A great excuse not to hoover, I need to hear the doorbell :dance:

I guess he's gonna be glued to his new toy for a while, which means I can come on here in peace :cheer: :cheer:
ps3 , lucky sod !

im enjoy9ng a couple of says last min hol , after feeling so dam ill i want to concentrate on feeling good instead of struggling through work , and as ive got 3 weeks hol to take by dec i recon it was a good plan :cheer:

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