first tri chat ........

home already , just couldnt cope with driving today feeling so bad , never mind actually getting work done once im where i need to be :(

please say this is it just getting worse before better , seriously cant cope much more , its really starting to get me down :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Once you get into the 2nd tri Gem all this will be a distant memory :D

Today is the day my baby boy starts school :shock: :shock: :shock:
He doesn't start until 12.45, stupid phased entry. I'm gonna really annoy my work when I tell then I'll have to start work a couple of hours late for 2 weeks as he finishes at 12.30 for the 3rd and 4th week. The after school club say the earliest they can take him from is 2pm.
Good job I'm on holiday from work for his first 2 weeks!

Aww MM is he excited about going to school? Are you feeling emotional? Jamie starts 2 weeks today and for ages I have been saying I'm gonna have loads of freedom when he starts but now I'm thinking I am gonna miss him so much :(

I've got all his uniform and he is really excited, it will be me not letting go of his hand when its time for hime to go in :oops:

Spending today doing more craft with Jamie - today we are making jungle animals and a jungle for them to play in.
Spent this morning making a lego mars mission space craft thing with James. He was saying 'I can't go to school cos I'm sick' :shock: His first day and trying to pull a sicky already!

When the time came to put on his uniform he got really excited and was admiring himself in the mirror saying 'I can't believe I'm a schoolboy!' and 'It's my special exciting day!', he was so excited about it all. He was bouncing around in the hall trying to open the front door while I was putting my shoes on. OH managed to get out of work for half an hour so he met us there.

When we got there he spotted a couple boys from his old nursery who are in his new class and was chasing them around the playground. All the kids were really hyper and excited, it was the parents who were nervous!
When we went in he found his peg (I was really proud because he recognised his name) then he went into the classroom where all the children had to choose an activity to do. He sat down next to his friend and they were practising writing their names. Then I left, he wasn't at all worried about it, just feeling very proud to be a schoolboy :D He'd been going on visits to his school with his old nursery for a few weeks last term, I think that has helped enormously.

It's been a strange day for me, feeling a mixture of nervousness, excitement and pride. I can't believe he's gone to school, and I'm so happy he settled so quickly :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I'm sure jamie will be fine Fifi, they do a lot these days to make it a smooth transition for the children and parents.

Sorry for the long post, I'm having a proud mummy moment :rotfl:
Aww MM you have every right to be proud, did you get plenty of pictures of him in his uniform?

Jamie's nursery was part of the primary school, so they have met the teacher and been up to the 'big class' a few times. I'm sure all of this is harder on the parents than the children. I just think that once they are in big school they seem to grow up really fast.

How is everyone feeling today? I have had terrible nausea the last couple of days, haven't actually been sick but lots of dry heaving and no appetite. It is actually really getting me down at the moment as they doesn't seem to be any break from it, it lasts all day from morning to night, I even woke up through the night last night wanting to be sick.

Don't even feel like I can have a proper whinge about anything as there is so much going on at the moment with my sister and baby Oliver, don't want to be seen to be moaning over nothing (baby is doing excellant by the way - lots of improvement). So all in all just really feeling sorry for myself at the mo.

So sorry for rambling on :oops:
awwww :hug: My sickness has just started to pass now, just get it on a night. Still terribly moody tho, I don't know how much OH puts up with me
Aww, sorry to hear you're feeling rough fifi :hug: :hug: I'm really glad baby oliver is on the mend, hopefully he'll be home soon.

I did take lots of photo's of James, he'll probably never look so smart in his uniform ever again :lol: Will have to send a picture to my parents in Devon.

I was feeling really sick yesterday, but have no symptoms today. At the moment it seem to happen a lot, loads one day, none the next.

James is playing in the park next to our house (it runs adjacent to our house so literally next door). When the other kids are out playing he always wants to play with them. It's really hard because I don't want to stop him from making friends, but I also don't want him being abducted! It's so hard to find a balance when they're at the age where they want to be independent. At the moment I'm sat beside the open kitchen door, sticking my head out every couple minutes to make sure he hasn't been stolen. I get told off if I stand in the park with him when other kids are around. He's only 4 and he thinks I'm embarrasing already! :shock:
My mum just called to say that my niece who's 23 weeks pregnant had to go into hospital cos she couldn't feel the baby move. They monitered her and found a heartbeat, and the baby has moved but the heart rate keeps decelerating. They've given her an injection to keep it up but if that doesn't work they may have to deliver the baby :shock: So much for not having to worry after 12 weeks :(
Aw MM sending lots of positive vibes for you niece. I think from the moment you conceive you worry and it never stops, I know my mam and dad still worry about me and my sisters constantly.

Try not to worry too much about your niece it is amazing what they can do. Please keep us updated on how they are doing :hug: :hug:
Thanks Fifi :D My sister is staying in hospital with her overnight, hopefully I'll hear from them tomorrow. I really hope the injection works and she can go home :pray: :pray: :pray:

James was in the park for hours in the end, I thought he'd be knackered after school :lol:
Bet he had a great time playing with his little pals, he'll sleep tonight thats for sure. My pooh oh is peeling paint from the spare room walls, paris is watching shrek in bed :lol: Just doing a pizza for tea as we've not eaten yet :shock:
Good morning everyone :D I am totally knackered today, I didn't go to bed particularly late but I woke up this morning feeling like I'd only had a couple hours sleep.
I poas this morning (an ebay cheapy, only got one left now) and the test line was darker than the control line :cheer: :cheer:

I spoke to my mum late last night and it seems she misunderstood what my sister had said initially, my niece is having injections to mature her babies lungs (not for the heart rate!) because they are planning to do a c-section to deliver the baby in the next few days. They've already showed her the Special care baby unit. I feel so sorry for her, she's only 18 and it's gonna be the hardest few months of her life :(
My nephew was born at 25 weeks. His mum was only 17 at the time. It was a hard couple of months whilest he was in hospital and they didnt think he would make it at the beginning, he spent 3 1/2 months in neonatal, he is now a healthy 4 year old whos very lucky that the only problem he has is asthma. They really can work miracles these days!

Thanks Gem, thats really encouraging to know :hug: :hug: :hug:
I worked with a girl a few years ago whose best friend had her baby at 6 months pregnant. The baby was fine after several months in SCBU, it is amazing what they can do these days
I'm off to the Children's farm today, It's nce and sunny so I'm going to make the most of it :D
MM my sister had her twins at 25/26 weeks and they only weighed just over 1 lb each, they were in special care for about 3 months and now they are perfectly healthy 2 1/2 year olds.

Sending loads of positive vibes for your family :pray: :pray: :pray:
Thanks guys :hug: :hug:

I am so tired today, I can't stop yawning! The house is a mess as well and I've got to sort it cos MIL might be coming round later. She always moans at me about the house not being clean enough. Last time she went mental about the cat making nose marks on the windows :lol:
I wish I could go back to bed, but got far to much to do. James being in school for only 2 and half hours doesn't help, don't have much time inbetween to do anything productive

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