first tri chat ........

morning, we've been so busy :bored: we went into town yesterday and bought lots of baby things :angel: I got this cute little coat from next :shhh: some bottles, socks, a pooh outfit :cheer:

We've also been decorating Paris's room :bored: she's moving to the bigger room and junior will have the smaller room - loads to do today, seanys fitting some laminate flooring in the lounge this afternoon
Good morning everyone! I've got the day off as holiday today :dance: :dance:

So glad cos I hate working sundays, we're always short staffed and I spend all day with customers having a go at me about checkouts being closed (I'm a supervisor in a totally crap supermarket that is so badly managed I'm embarrased to work there!)

I can't wait to start baby shopping babylicious. Going to try and wait till after xmas though in case there are any good bargains in the January sales. James was born a few days before xmas, and a week after he was born I saw loads of the things I'd bought him in the sales :roll:

I've been online window shopping for prams already though, I'm a total pramaholic and can't wait to have one again. My favourite at the moment is the Hauck Infinity, but I think I'll have a job persuading OH to spend that much.
Morning :wave:

I am not feeling too good today. Been up constantly through the night needing a wee and have bad tummy pains due to trapped wind :oops: , the result is this morning I feel like total poo :(

I have also come to the realisation that I have not been spending enough time with Jamie and he has started playing up quite bad. I have just felt so rubbish that he has had to amuse himself and while that is ok for a bit and his dad has been here, he has missed time with me. The outcome is yesterday I spent some real good quality time with him and his behaviour improved dramatically, but now I feel so guilty:cry:

Today we are having a messy day - paints, glue and play dough.

Hope everyone has a good day.
hello everyone :)
i need a nap so bad its not even i was up and down all night to go wee, and then had some bad tummy cramps due to well gets up at 2:25 am for work and the alarm wakes me up and im so darn tired its not even funny :(....i need to take a nap :sleep: :sleep: :bored: :bored: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: it would probably make feel better
still no nausea for eating spicy nachos and my tummy doesnt hurt or anything....yes i realize im
other than that though im good :wink:
Hope you had a good messy day with jamie fifi :D
James is the same when he doesn't get enough attention, he lets me know by being a pain. We had a lego session earlier on. I hate playing lego cos he's really bossy. I have to hand him the bits and he won't let me put any together :shakehead:
We went to Asda this afternoon as well so I've finally bought some pregnacare tablets, don't want the bean going hungry for nutrients!

You must be knackered having an alarm wake you up that early Breezee. My OH used to be a postman and I found it bad enough with his alarm going off at 4.30am!

I've got my doctors appointment tomorrow and I can't wait! I'm sure I'm getting excited over nothing, it's just nice to feel like somethings finally happening
morning all :wave: so tired, need another day off i swear :?

hope everyone has a good monday

enjoy ya docs appointmement !

and :dance: ive hit 11 weeks today
Morning all, totally fed up today, found money on Paris which she had stolen from her cousin on thursday :cry:

Work today and need to clean up :)
Hello everyone!

I'm hoping it stays dry today I need to get the kids to the park or something!!

Massive cleaning day today. Hubby has gone back to work after 2 weeks off and I need to get the house back to how it should be :D

I am so tired today and I wasn't awake late last night, I am gonna end up putting Jamie to bed and then going myself soon.
Good morning!

I went to the doctors and as I thought it was a complete non event! :lol:
He just asked if I drink, smoke, take folic acid, how many other pregnancies, any complications etc.
Apparantly my midwife will write to me and she'll see me around 8 weeks, first scan around 12 weeks. So ages and ages to wait :wall: :wall:
Glad I didn't go to the docs when I first found out a week and a half ago now!

Gem...only a week to go to 12 weeks! :shock: That's great news :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Babylicious, sorry to hear Paris has been naughty. She's only young though isn't she, I'm sure she won't make a habit out of it :D

I've just come back from the park with James, got a loverly mountain of ironing to keep me entertained this afternoon.

Tomorrow James starts school so got to get his things ready as well
ew I just had some weetabix cos I was starving now I feel really :puke:

I really should book my first doc's appointment soon I guess :think:
I'm feeling really :puke: :puke: this morning. Have been nibbling on gingernuts but hasn't really helped.
I've just finished ironing James school uniform and labelling it. Still got loads of normal ironing to do, feel really sick and tired though, feel like going to bed for a nap :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
I can't believe I didn't know I was pg with James until 11 weeks, how the hell did I not notice all this!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
your more tuned in these days :)

Last couple of days I've actually had some energy! :cheer:
had shite day , felt so bad again , rah , please say it really will get better :cry:
:hug: :hug: Don't worry Gem, you must be nearly over the worst of it now. Not many people get bad sickness for very long in second tri
I haven't had a very good day today either. The last couple of days have felt tired but less sick and today I have not been able to put any kind of food or drink (except water) to my mouth. It's been worse than ever, I definitely did not feel this bad last time :(

G3M - hope you are feeling better soon, hopefully when you reach the golden 12 week mark you might start to feel more like normal :hug:
sorry u had a bad day too fifi :hug:

morning girls :wave:

prayin g i ahve a better day , tbh i just wanna go docs get my dressing done and come hom to bed :(
Morning girls, I actually got some sleep last night :shock:

Hoping to have a better day with Paris, meeting my OH for lunch later :hug:

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