First time mummas?

i have no idea what i need to buy!! or how im gunna cope pushing a watermelon out my NooNoo!!
Haha! My husband and I were discussing which of us was more clueless the other day! Conclusion is we both are useless! I assume some of it you just get on with and is obvious?
my OH has a girl who is 13 but everything has changed now!

i guess/hope it comes naturally! im positive there will be something i have forgotten!
i have no idea what i need to buy!! or how im gunna cope pushing a watermelon out my NooNoo!!

I'm still trying to figure out what I need to buy. And, how I will even manage to cope with all that pain. I'm completely clueless it feels.... :(
im liking being clueless about labour tho! just wanna go into it not knowing what to expect and deal with it!

hate hearing horror stories ive already had one dream about labour! oh man!

the buying stuff never seems to end! you get given a lot of stuff so my advise is dont buy many clothes etc until the baby is hear! couple of nappies not loads as some brands can irritate skin etc so you may have to change!

ive bought alsorts but im missing the pram lol
I hear you on the labor part, still though I worry. I don't want to do something that is going to hurt my baby. Or myself. I just wanna know everything's gonna be ok and that my baby is gonna be healthy you know?
yea as long as i get my little boy in my arms safely ill do whatever it takes
Yeah, I hear you. There isn't anything I wouldn't do to make sure my baby is safely in my arms.
I watched my mom in labour with my little sister. It wasnt pretty and it seriously put me of having children for a while... but why do women keep going back and having more if its crazy like it look, hmm. I think i only want one though lmao.
I hate when people just tell me the horror it all, like needing stitches D: I nearly passed out getting my eye brows done for the first time, and still nearly pass out when im in pain. Fun times ahead!
I watched my mom in labour with my little sister. It wasnt pretty and it seriously put me of having children for a while... but why do women keep going back and having more if its crazy like it look, hmm. I think i only want one though lmao.
I hate when people just tell me the horror it all, like needing stitches D: I nearly passed out getting my eye brows done for the first time, and still nearly pass out when im in pain. Fun times ahead!

Fun times ahead indeed!
Don't worry about the pain ladies. We're designed to process it and it's totally worth it once baby is in your arms. Gas and air is amazing, as is an epidural (I've heard). What's most important in labour is focusing on your breathing, not panicking and getting into the zone. Remember we are designed to do this and we CAN do this because we're AWESOME!!

Don't worry about the pain ladies. We're designed to process it and it's totally worth it once baby is in your arms. Gas and air is amazing, as is an epidural (I've heard). What's most important in labour is focusing on your breathing, not panicking and getting into the zone. Remember we are designed to do this and we CAN do this because we're AWESOME!!

Good point. Thank you for your wise words!
Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is terrified about all of this!
i have 17 weeks left to go, and every week that goes by i worry a little more haha
I'm 31 with my first. Have severe hyperemesis. Due 29th July. Just waiting for the sickness to go away now
Went out and bought bigger bras, usually a B so I thought a C would be sufficient, well I was wrong!!! Think a D will be way to big though.
Bought a bigger size jeans too, so comfy around the waist but the arse and legs are huge xD look like a tramp honestly :/ going shopping again later cos it's my bday but I'm worried about buying any clothes now. Lol x

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