First time mummas?

It's so hard not to get over excited and carried away and unfortunately money does come into it. You could maybe put money away each month that you don't want to buy anything significant PB? I keep saying to hubby we need to start saving as babies are expensive and he's just so chill like what you worrying about everyone buys you things for your first baby I'm like not everything!!! His parents have always said they would buy the pram but I reckon my mum will want to so that might be world war 3! I have a fiat 500 though that there's no chance of trading in anytime soon so will need to fit in that, probably need to sacrifice my dream of a big fancy pram lol
My OH bought me an insignia for christmas as my little audi a3 convertible just isnt big enough. i miss her tho! and hes driving it now :( so i still get her if i want her
Claire we are also saving for a house aha! I think I'll buy all baby stuff with my wages and hubby can carry on saving. I haven't been working alot recently, but when I make it past 12 weeks I'll start full time again lol.
I can't wait to baby shop, i walked past baby stuff yday! I was like no! Control yourself and ignored the temptation aha.

Ahh i love fiat 500s, i was taking driving lessons last year but stopped cos I got preg. That was going to be my first car! Ha. It's do tiny and cute :P

Lol Leigh, you can just take over if you need to go somewhere:P

When we've finished paying of my hubby's car we want a big jeep thing, ive always wanted one. Finally convinced hubby we need one xD x
It isn't everyones cup of tea but I actually started buying quite a long time before this pregnancy. I decided one way to try and cope with the neverending failed cycles was to buy a little something each time AF arrived. I had rules, one small item like a baby grow, unisex, funky, ideally in the sales and in a random size. It has meant I've got pretty much enough clothes and I've not really needed to buy many more, just bits here and there to make up numbers. My thinking was I may never get to buy for an actual baby and if all failed and we never had a child it would be a bit of closure to be able to donate the things to charity and help to draw a line under everything.

Leigh I liked the Wayfarer but when I saw it next to the pioneer I liked that better, it seemed a bit sturdier. I'm rural and it is rough underfoot around here, if you are mainly on good pavements I think the Wayfarer would cope fine. I've bought the egg and it is gorgeous.

I've not bought a lot of things as I don't think we will use them, if I decide I need them there is always online shopping and next day delivery!
i think my parents are gunna buy the pram they keep asking which one i want!

i wont be off roading with my pram i wouldnt have thought
I'm not planning on off roading, the roads are rough enough as it is lol! The only thing I didn't like about the wayfarer and the pioneer was there is no back bar to put your foot on for going up a kerb, so you have to lift it up with just your arms on the handle. Other than that I really liked both and they do come in some lovely colours :)
I'm 25 and pregnant with my third ! With my first I was the youngest mummy by 10 years in my antenatal group !

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Hi all, can I join the first time mum club! I am 36 in a few weeks so am I currently the oldest lol? It is all very early still for me so I am a bit anxious and trying to be cautious but still very excited!
Hi ladies, any chance I could jump in too? I'm due 18/06/17, a little girl :D had an early gender at 16 weeks & my 20 week scan is the 26th! I'm soooooo excited, going to get them to double check she is a little lady haha!
I bought the pioneer which has came and is at my grandmothers house but I'm so inlove with it, I also bought her silver cross cot bed & changing unit both in white! Her grans have been buying her beautiful little outfits and rompers, so I've bought a few sleepsuits & vests from mothercare! Hope you are all doing well! :) x
Hi misskth, yep you just pip me to being the oldest first timer here lol. I'm 36 this year but not until after little one should make an appearance! Do you have geriatric written all over your notes too?

Blisa I did like the pioneer, which colour way did you choose?
Hi snowbee!
Definitely liked it more over the others, especially the fact that it's kind of rough pavements around here and the wheels are puncture proof! We went with black & graphite, however I'm going to buy a deep purple colour pack for her. We got black for being neutral if we decide on more babies! I'm over the moon with it, my partner built it up & I was just like wow 5 months and there will be a tiny baby in there haha! Xx
Hi misskth, yep you just pip me to being the oldest first timer here lol. I'm 36 this year but not until after little one should make an appearance! Do you have geriatric written all over your notes too?

Ha I am only 5 weeks so haven't been to see the midwife yet but I am sure it will be written all over it!
Hi misskth, yep you just pip me to being the oldest first timer here lol. I'm 36 this year but not until after little one should make an appearance! Do you have geriatric written all over your notes too?

Ha I am only 5 weeks so haven't been to see the midwife yet but I am sure it will be written all over it!

My cousin was treated as geriatric when she was 27! I don't think any of us need to feel aged yet. That'll come with the sleepless nights :D
First time mum here too at 33! We haven't bought anything yet but we have a pram our neighbours gave us xx
Hi everyone this is a busy tread lots of new 1st time mummies me too!!! &
30 years old!!

I recognised misscharli and mrsduckie from August babies xxx

Currently 12weeks and feeling my tummy has just popped out!!
I'm not having any symptoms although I had a very very early on!
So seems very surreal as I'm just aware I'm growing!
Excited for next scan il be 14weeks!
Late one!
But hopefully nice and clear!!

Hubby has just said no to early gender scan booo hooo!!
So wait for the 20week mark
Can't wait found a beautiful baby boutique shop and just wanted to buy a couple special special bits!!

Good luck 1st time mummies nothing quite as exciting as this in life I'm sure!!! Xxx
Oh and I really love the icandy jogger pram as I want to take baby walking off road on beach as I live by the beach and though the woods etc
We are outdoor lovers and have dogs to walk!
I have no idea what any of these buggies are! Will have to do some research a bit further on...!
Any first time mummas here?
I had just turned 26 the day before I found out I was pregnant!

First time mom myself... I'm anxious, nervous, worried, excited... Heck I'm all over the place.

I'm also 26 years old and single sadly :(
I'm a first time mum :D

Only 5 weeks at the moment, appoint at GP next week to confirm :)

Due October.

Look forward to discussing more things with you lovely ladies :D
Anyone else keep freaking out because they have no idea what they're doing? >.<

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