First time mummas?

I haven't cried today. Feel rather proud of that haha. Surprisingly in a good mood.....let's see how long it lasts :lol:

How are you ladies feeling?
I feel shit. Hubby came home and made a massive argument about me not wating dinner, I'm juts not in the mood, he was like well it's juts not you anymore is it. Ffs makes me mad, then I told him not to stress me out cos obviously it's bad for baby and he's like oh well that's convenient... ughhhh lol
PB, if my hubby tells me to eat once more I'm gonna have (another!) meltdown. He just doesnt understand that anything I eat is coming straight back up, can't seem to wrap his head around why I might not feel like bloody eating! He's like for god sake you are not just eating melon again, yes, yes I am because melon is about the only thing that isn't absolutely unbearable to throw back up!
oh im the same girls! hes like what do you want for tea - im like im not hungry his response. its not food for you is it!

i get full super easy since being pregnant not sure if baby is on my stomach but if i cant eat a whole meal im not gunna force myself to the point in which i feel sick!

i eat when im hungry and when i eat its what i choose and fancy!
Yeah I agree,I ended up eating just lettuce last night ha, weird.
I also get the fullness thing, think cos of bloating though, I can barely eat a bowel of cereal. It's annoying cos I get hungry 15 mins s later and cba to eat again lol xx
i think mine is down to indigestion 24/7 just struggle to eat and find im nibbling and not on healthy stuff i told the midwife and she said stick to carbs to get through it the baby takes what he needs and will be fine

i had a plain jacket potato with butter not because i was hungry because i last ate at midday yesterday and figured i should really try something

Lmao, i was crying yday cos hubby left his pj's on the floor! Aha. X

Starting to feel less insane now I know you guys are just as weird x

Oh yeah. I'm out there haha. But, yeah don't feel horrible about it. I get my moments where I feel my blood boiling and I'm gonna snap. Then, I have my moments where I'm laying in bed and just can't sleep and I start crying. Or someone disappoints me somehow and I start crying when I normally would just brush it off my shoulder and move on. But, then I have my moments of jumping with joy. I swear sometimes it feels like I am seriously bipolar or just down right mental even though it's just hormones.
Hii!19years old here,think I am the youngest?I am due in september 25! So excited and scared at the same time,hehe
Hii!19years old here,think I am the youngest?I am due in september 25! So excited and scared at the same time,hehe

Hey congratulations :) I'm 23 and due in October! Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy xx
First time mumma here as well :) I am 28 yrs old and due in October
Happy healthy pregnancy to everyone x
oh god! i just read about tearing im not sure i can do this! freaking out!

I'm constantly watching one born every minute!!! I am better prepared when I know 100% what to expect haha don't like the unknown. I've also been looking into hypnobirthing. You begin around 32 weeks.....check it out :) it'll change your view on childbirth. I always wanted a cesarean....after reading into hypnobirthing and women's birthing experiences.....I am actually excited to do it myself!!! Even though I am only 8w5d! Also I've read waterbirths help with tears as having your bits submerged in water helps stretch things out!!! Makes sense!

Good luck xx
im hoping for a water birth! and just gas and air!

i would love a c-section but then its coping afterwards with not living near my parents i would rely heavily on my OH who would only get 2 weeks off

but i was going on not reading about anything and just dealing with it at the time! now im not so sure and think i should read but then i dont want to scare myself!!!

argh can he not just stay in there? what have we done? haha
Haha what have we done :lol:

I'm hoping for water birth and NO pain relief......asking a lot I know haha but I've read with hypnobirthing you can condition your perception of pain. I'm hopeful it'll work haha x

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