First time mummas?

I'm a first timer but way older than most of you, I'm 35 and have geriatric written all over my notes! It hasn't been for lack of trying that it has taken us so long though!
i have tried to stop worrying! and im 20 weeks but niggles etc make me worry lol!

still doesnt feel very real and i have my 20 week scan on Tuesday!

so far ive only bought a couple of bits and a crib - i have no idea what to buy! only realized yesterday nappies came in numbered sizes from 1 upwards!
Of course you can Kimber! :)

We have a whole second room that it currently a box room (we moved in in August) that we need to paint and fill for the baby, and no idea how to start. It's still so early though so I think that'll be something we start doing after we hit the halfway mark!
One thing I can recommend is to buy clothes in bits, month to month. You end up needing quite a lot in those first few months!

we are looking to move in March/April im gunna be huge by then!!

i dont know what size to buy, my OH is small and has small babies in his family. My family are tall and tend to have long babies so i dont know how big he will be x
Get a mixture of newborn and 0-3, more of the latter though. Doesn't matter if they're too big at first, they grow into them quick! The scan measurements will give you a rough idea too :)

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its very expensive this baby malarky! i only bought a few bits from mother care in the sale and still came to 400.00.

think im just going to pick up clothes, bibs etc from the supermarkets they are a lot cheaper and like you say they are not in them 2 seconds!
Hey I'm a first time mum too :) 32 and feel ancient, haha.. I had a look around mother care too, got a few lil bits already, everything is just so cute
Aw I can't wait to start shopping for baby. Having to contain myself lol though I literally couldn't resist buying teeny tiny little scratch mitts when I was in the supermarket the other day! Supermarkets often have the nicest baby clothes I think! I'm satisfying the urge to buy with Pinterest, just pinning away loads of stuff or will come back to look at in a few months time x
First time mum here too :) Im 30 and living in Manchester (moved up here 1.5 years ago) from the south. EDD 19th August :D xx
when did you all start/will you start to buy things? Im only 9 weeks tomorrow, is that too early? I had an early reassurance scan last week and all was healthy but should i wait for my 12 weeks!

eeee exciting :) xx
i started buying last week... ive left it late and feel i should have left it later!

i still dont believe its happening ! dont feel pregnant apart from my growing belly which has popped out this week
I've also bought lots in the sales, we are pretty much sorted now. Things we haven't got that we must get before baby arrives are car seats. We also haven't bought a cot (as it won't fit in our room so I think it will be a while before they go in their own room and need one) or a high chair (as they won't need it for a while). I'm also undecided on whether to try cloth nappies.

I'm pretty pleased we haven't spent that much really. I did go mad on the pram...
Snowbee after everything you've been through to get this little one you're more than entitled to splash out on their new wheels! X
oh i have my heart on a wayfarer pram!

ive brought very little, bottles and things, a few blankets and clothes, ive bought a next to me crib for the bedroom and a moses basket for downstairs. i dont plan on buying a big cot for a good few months as the baby can sleep in the crib

need to buy a bath, bouncer, the pram, some bedroom furniture, more clothes then all the other stuff like nappies etc. but asda baby event starts tomorrow if people didnt know :)
I'm just under seven weeks but got a few bits because I was excited but will definitely start shopping after my first scan, then i don't have to hide down the aisles if someone I know is in there hehe, plus I didn't want to go overboard until I know everything is okay. I forgot about Pinterest, they have some great things to save on there, good shout.
I bought stuff when I was pregnant with second mc. I don't think I'll buy for a while. Maybe when I know it's a boy or girl! I don't wanna spend alot, but hubby said everytime he gets paid we should buy something big, and small bits to spread the cost. But that'd mean start buying earlier than I'd like.
We have a friend who was so scared of having a still born (she watched a close friend go through one when she was preg) she didn't buy anything!! She wrote a list of what she wanted, and when the baby was here sent hubby out to get it all. Xx

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