First time mummas?

Yup - can someone explain those mumma to be packs?

Oh and the inky thing I've bought so far is a bigger bra :lol: I saw somebody mention a pregnancy band or something....I'm looking into this as my jeans already don't fit :roll:

Psht, I'm already in maternity jeans... I couldn't bear to have anything like buttons or zips touching my stomach all day! I really need to invest in some bras though - I've been living in this one sports bra. that can't be good!
Yup - can someone explain those mumma to be packs?

Oh and the inky thing I've bought so far is a bigger bra :lol: I saw somebody mention a pregnancy band or something....I'm looking into this as my jeans already don't fit :roll:

Psht, I'm already in maternity jeans... I couldn't bear to have anything like buttons or zips touching my stomach all day! I really need to invest in some bras though - I've been living in this one sports bra. that can't be good!

Haha well I only have the one bra. Mum works in lingerie dept for M&s so when we finally tell her the news, I will be taking her bra shopping with me!!! Get properly fitted! Oh and make use of that discount ;)

If only it was socially acceptable to wear pyjamas all day. Need to buy new jeans as I can't even zip mine up, let alone button them!!
Yup - can someone explain those mumma to be packs?


Oh and the inky thing I've bought so far is a bigger bra :lol: I saw somebody mention a pregnancy band or something....I'm looking into this as my jeans already don't fit :roll:

Psht, I'm already in maternity jeans... I couldn't bear to have anything like buttons or zips touching my stomach all day! I really need to invest in some bras though - I've been living in this one sports bra. that can't be good!

You too huh? I definitely need to invest in some bras haha. I was going to buy maternity jeans and work pants this weekend but for now I'm using a belly band and wearing sweat pants and I do have a few pairs of leggings that are comfy too so it helps for now hehe.

I got given a bounty pack at my booking in appointment. Don't get too excited mine just had a magazine in it with loads of adverts for stuff. Are there others with more things in then? Also clueless here!

I switched to maternity jeans for casual wear in November but for work I was still wearing my normal jeans until 24 weeks when I went on holiday. When I came back there was no way I could get in them, my bump exploded while I was away! I'm still in all my normal bras though, no boob change for me yet.
im down to one bra which is comfy but refusing to buy more cos i know they will only get bigger!!!

i can still get in my normal jeans just uncomfortable being in them for long times! but my maternity jeans are huge!! hang off my legs and my ass!
Hello ladies!

So I had my first appointment today, this was to only confirm pregnancy with GP!! How will the midwife contact me? Is it a letter or phone call? I'm 5 weeks today, when should I expect to hear from someone?

Also I looked at a few maternity bits today! Only as my jeans don't even zip up at the moment :( I'm going to hold off buying anything for now, just live in baggy jumpers to cover up the top of my jeans :lol: can anyone tell me where I can get a good belly band? Haven't had any luck finding one as yet.
Olivia, if the GP sent off the referral, you should be contacted by letter. Mine took a week, but I got my booking in appointment letter and then a separate one for the 12 week scan. Different places do things differently, but that's how it worked for me.

I think my referral got sent off at 6+1 as I had to check dates before the referral, and I got my letter about a week later on 18 Jan. I got my 12 week scan appointment booked for Feb 24th, which was posted on Jan 31st.
Olivia, if the GP sent off the referral, you should be contacted by letter. Mine took a week, but I got my booking in appointment letter and then a separate one for the 12 week scan. Different places do things differently, but that's how it worked for me.

I think my referral got sent off at 6+1 as I had to check dates before the referral, and I got my letter about a week later on 18 Jan. I got my 12 week scan appointment booked for Feb 24th, which was posted on Jan 31st.

Hopefully I should hear by the end of next week. Ohh not long till your scan :)
Olivia, if the GP sent off the referral, you should be contacted by letter. Mine took a week, but I got my booking in appointment letter and then a separate one for the 12 week scan. Different places do things differently, but that's how it worked for me.

I think my referral got sent off at 6+1 as I had to check dates before the referral, and I got my letter about a week later on 18 Jan. I got my 12 week scan appointment booked for Feb 24th, which was posted on Jan 31st.

Hopefully I should hear by the end of next week. Ohh not long till your scan :)

I have my booking in appointment on Friday morning where I meet my midwife, and then my scan 2 weeks from then! I had one last week with the EPU because I was getting some pelvic pain and everything looked good, saw the heartbeat again and the baby was wiggling around! So I can't wait to see how much they've grown and hopefully hear the heartbeat!

But more so, I can't wait until the end of this damn trimester... someone please tell me it gets easier. I am an emotional mess :(
Erm I'm 27 weeks and still an emotional mess (especially today when I properly cried in front of the consultant and nothing is even wrong)! I'm not sure you ever stop worrying but there are still plenty of hours for being excited and planning things on top of the worry.
I've just found it difficult to be excited most days, because of the exhaustion and emotions. I feel like a failure already because I'm not looking forward to everything like the bf is, and because I'm not handling the hormones very well. I suffer with depression and anxiety anyway and I'm terrified that I'll just get worse instead of better... I'm gonna mention this to the midwife when I meet her on Friday, but it's still getting to me.

I don't do well with the unknown, and I guess because there's not much I can do right now, I'm letting the bad things outweigh the excitement :(
I'm a first time mummy at 26 and so excited! Our little miracle was planned by me and my husband and I fell pregnant straight away! Eeeek! Congratulations to everyone!!
I've just found it difficult to be excited most days, because of the exhaustion and emotions. I feel like a failure already because I'm not looking forward to everything like the bf is, and because I'm not handling the hormones very well. I suffer with depression and anxiety anyway and I'm terrified that I'll just get worse instead of better... I'm gonna mention this to the midwife when I meet her on Friday, but it's still getting to me.

I don't do well with the unknown, and I guess because there's not much I can do right now, I'm letting the bad things outweigh the excitement :(

Your not alone, I've been the same, since suffering with this 24/7 sickness I've lost all energy, enthusiasm and control of emotions! I think the hormones have a lot to answer for, hopefully we can get a break at some point, just taking each day as it comes. I'm terrified to say anything to midwife in case I get marked down as some sort of special case, but I'm starting to think I will need to say something as I feel I'm really lacking support and it's only going to get worse.
Erm I'm 27 weeks and still an emotional mess (especially today when I properly cried in front of the consultant and nothing is even wrong)! I'm not sure you ever stop worrying but there are still plenty of hours for being excited and planning things on top of the worry.

I did the exact same thing today.
Walked into see my GP and as soon as I sat down I broke down.....for no reason! :roll:
Erm I'm 27 weeks and still an emotional mess (especially today when I properly cried in front of the consultant and nothing is even wrong)! I'm not sure you ever stop worrying but there are still plenty of hours for being excited and planning things on top of the worry.

I did the exact same thing today.

Walked into see my GP and as soon as I sat down I broke down.....for no reason! :roll:

I've been pretty emotional myself. Crying on and off lately. But today started out feeling nervous but now I'm like feeling all amped up and excited. I'm sorry you 2 are both having rough spells. I hope you both feel better soon :(

I've just found it difficult to be excited most days, because of the exhaustion and emotions. I feel like a failure already because I'm not looking forward to everything like the bf is, and because I'm not handling the hormones very well. I suffer with depression and anxiety anyway and I'm terrified that I'll just get worse instead of better... I'm gonna mention this to the midwife when I meet her on Friday, but it's still getting to me.

I don't do well with the unknown, and I guess because there's not much I can do right now, I'm letting the bad things outweigh the excitement :(

I have had a terrible time with depression and anxiety so far (I'm 25 weeks). The pregnancy was an accident and i lost my job because of it. I've had relationship issues and just moved house. It's all been very stressful and I've noticed it's really difficult to control my mood. I got some telephone counselling sessions, which my doctor referred me for. They said they think I need CBT afterwards, but due to moving I haven't got around to that yet. I just want a happy 3rd trimester.

Just be careful with it and get some help if you feel it's necessary. You will get excited about it when it becomes more real (bump and movement).
i suffer massively with depression and anxiety, some days are good others im a mess!

i cried today as i was so hungry but had to fast for my glucose test! i only wanted a slice of toast!
I spent 2 hours sobbing uncontrollably in bed yesterday at 6am because I was tired. I was inconsolable. My bf was amazing though and just cuddled me until I fell asleep.
Lmao, i was crying yday cos hubby left his pj's on the floor! Aha. X

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