First Scan ........UPDATED WITH SCAN PICS :-)


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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..tomorrow and Im now a nervous wreck! Why!!

Im sooooo excited and really looking forward to it but I am really nervous too!

No need to think anything is wrong at all as all is going well, lots of sickness and nausia which MW said shows hormone levels are still sustaining the pregnancy well so why am I so scared?

Not once have I stressed about anything since getting my BFP so why now?

Were any of you ladies really worried about your first scan too??

God this isnt like me to stress about anything but I bloody well am now!!

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when i had my emergency 6 week scan i spent the whole night awake worrying even tho i knew eveything was ok.... i think it was just nerves really..... Everything will be fine tho.
Wow, I think there is 3 of you having your scans tomorrow - its so exciting, and lots of scan pictures going up from tomorrow afternoon I reckon!

I panic every day, but the 12 week scan is such a milestone, its only normal to get a lil bit nervous before it. I had an early scan yesterday, and was nervous before that one, just in case they said there was nothing there!

You and all the other ladies will be fine - it will be such a good feeling to get it out the way and done with (in the nicest possible way!) xxxx
Thanks Ladies....your right Im worrying over nothing but yes in the nicest way I just want to have the scan and be told all is well so I can get back to enjoying being pregnant...well apart from the horrendous sickness! lol

Thanks ladies good to know we all feel a little anxious just before our scans xxx
Good luck at the scan - can't wait to see a photo. xxxx
Good luck Wilma? I'm sure everyone worries, but you have been waiting weeks for this, and I'm sure it will be lovely. Xx
Goodluck for tomorrow hun, cant wait to see your piccy x x

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Good Luck Wilma - I was very scared before 12 week scan, same as you nothing really to worry about and DH kept on telling me it would all be okay but couldn't help myself until I saw LO on the screen. Looking forward to hearing how it goes and seeing pics :)
gud luk tomo hun hopefully ur mind will b put at rest an u can then relax until 20weeks!!! let us know how it all went x
What I want to know on earth did u get to 12 + 6 so damn fast?? Lol

good luck 4 2mrw xxxx
good luck tomorrow! cant wait to hear all about it xx
Ha I know Emmab how fast has it gone I still have to pinch myself at times lol!!

Ahhh thanks sooooo much all of you lovely ladies I will be out after scan 'hopefully' shopping so wont post pics till a bit later tomorrow evening but I will def post tomorrow at some point and upload pics too!!

Ahhh sooo excited!!

Thanks again your all lovely!

Oh wilma ........... so excited for you........... been keeping up with all your little 'secret' posts on facebook too !!! lol !!!! i am so looking forward to hearing all about your scan.......... wish you all the love and good luck in the world for your scan xxxxxxxxx Ps i know its selfish but i do miss you in TTC section !!! xxx
Best of luck to you wilma. It'll all be fine and we can't wait to see piccies of bubs tomoro. It'll make all the morning sickness worthwhile.
Can't wait to hear how it goes xx
Hope all goes well cant wait to see the piccie xx

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