First Scan ........UPDATED WITH SCAN PICS :-)

Thanks Nat....ha how cute ehh...ah it was amazing! Cant quite believe it! yeah posted them on FB and had loads of messages...cant wait to show the real pics off to friends and family tho!! Sooo happy xxx
Oh wilma ........... so excited for you........... been keeping up with all your little 'secret' posts on facebook too !!! lol !!!! i am so looking forward to hearing all about your scan.......... wish you all the love and good luck in the world for your scan xxxxxxxxx Ps i know its selfish but i do miss you in TTC section !!! xxx

Ahhh Mushy I miss you loads too and I am sending sooo much dust to you and the others and hoping you get over here with us asap!!
Hugs to you xxxx
Thanks Princess....I have a couple more will upload when I get a second xxx
Woooohoooo! x so glad sticky is going strong! x x hugs x x
Thanks Helen!! God soooo sorry I forgot to reply to you how ignorant!! Been totally consumed with messages on here I forgot...sorry!! xxx
*sob* x lol x I'll forgive you just this once! x he he!
Hi Wilma, fantastic pics! It's really heartwarming to hear you so happy and relieved. What a great day for you. Can't wait till I'm that far along. Congratulations and make sure you look after yourself. Xxx
Lovely pics, congratulations! It's great they've caught the diabetes early too, it's a pain in the arse but at least you know about it so can keep it in check. You must be on top of the world today!
So made up everything went well today...... been thinking about you lots today and said a few prayers for you !!!!!!!!!! so pleased for you xxxxx
Lovely pics hun, i bet ur over the moon :) Congratulations x x

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congrats wilma :) i am kegging myself for my 20 scan on friday hun so don't be surprised if you are the same later on :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
oh hun im so so so happy for you and amazing picys you got hun, congratulations. see u in tri 2 xx
Hey wilma congrats on the fab piccies so pleased alibis well with baby x
Ah thanks Nanc...believe me beofre you know it you will posting your scan pics up here too I cant believe how fast its gone now that Im actually here!!! lol xx

Thanks Cstop def on top of the world and it feels great lol!! xx

Thanks Mushy our prayers have def been answered!! Hugs xxx

Def M2Adam cant quite describe it lol xxx

Thanks Sol yeah Im sure I will chew myself up all over again ha ha xxx

Thanks Misspink yup will be heading over tomorrow...OMG Tri 2 already!! lol xxx

Thanks jodied...will you you soon.... ;-) xxx

Thanks everyone xxx
:dance::dance: so glad everything went ok hunni - pics are lovely :thumbup: to our sticky beans x
Thanks sarl....yeah def more relaxed now and even more excited if thats possible lol xx
Glad all is well with your LO. At least they've picked up the diabetes early and you can manage it.
Def SPC....hopefully healthy eating and monitoring it will keep things at bay and Im still lossing weight so thats got to be a good thing xxx

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