First Midwife appointment tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
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Hi girls

First midwife appointment tomorrow, have already had an appointment at docs at 7 weeks and she gave me my bumper pack of info had blood test done etc, do you think midwife will send me to have more blood tests taken tomorrow? If not do you know when they do this again?

I am assuming tomorrow will be pretty much just taking information, weight etc, do you think she will do anything else - i.e listen for heartbeat?
hiya, at my first appointmen the midwife only weighed me, checked blood pressure, checked urine and gave me a ready steady baby book. I have just got the date in for my first scan, its 19th oct, i will be 19 weeks by then, cant believe it is so late, such a long time to wait, :(
that is ridiculas! You are meant to have a dating scan at 12 weeks and then the next scan at 20 weeks, if I was you I would be kicking up a stink. I would not be happy. Tell them you are unsure of your dates and need to have a dating scan, you are very well entitled to have one.
At my 1st midwife appointment it was pretty much form filling - nothing as exciting as listening to the heartbeat - but you might be lucky (I didn't get to hear mine till 16 weeks!). She also booked my scan, checked my wee and BP.
it was the same the last time when I had Jayden, they never gave me a scan till I was 20 weeks, I was so upset, I was on the phone to them all the time and they said they were too busy to do anything sooner, I ended up paying for an early scan which cost me £120, will probably have to do the same again this time, its rediculous. Makes me so mad, x
From what I can tell I won't be having any scans after the 20 week one this time. I had one at about 26 weeks last time :(
I girls I have put up another post but just to let you know I had a fab appointment, I asked if she woudl listen to for the heartbeat and she did and found it - wow it was just so amazing I am so relieved to hear the little one is still in there and beating away. Thanks for all your replies.

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