first midwife appointment tomorrow

im actualy fibbing there it was wednesday am all over the place with my days lmao
im wanting the next 7 weeks to fly in lol xx
wow thats well early mine was at just before 8 weeks and the midwife was like this is a bit early lol but big congrats hun x
thanks mrz85 my gp practice has changed its policies on pregnancy as soon as you find out you get an appointment xx
im wanting the next 7 weeks to fly in lol xx

yer il be more happier after 12 weeks but this 7 week one will reasure me that i havnt mmc this time well not up to that point anyways xxx
wow your drs sound really on the ball i wish mine were...i went to my GPs today and he didnt even test me :o i was literally in there for 5 minutes all he asked was if id tested at home and how many times.... got a mw appointment tho for the 4th may when i'll be about 10 weeks ooo so exciting!
my gp or mw never did a pregnacy test i would have liked them to at that time so it would have felt more real at the time x
yeah im still having trouble believing im up the spout lol xx
With my second when I rang the surgery I got to see the MW before my booking in appointment (she did a sample and gave me my booking appointment on the day) because her office was in the surgery and I guess frees up time for the GPs. With my first (a different surgery) it was different because the MW offices weren't in the same surgery.

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