fireworks and drug dealers


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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i over heard someonethe other day in asda talking about fireworks to the checque out woman.

the checqueout woman was saying that when delaers have a delivery of drugs for their customers they let off a rocket to let them know.

thats whay you hear fireworks.

i can't see this as true. i don;t hear fireworks any time of year really than near guy fawkes night.

Any one else heard this story?
Yep I have heard this too. Its their sign the drugs are back in stock tw@ts :evil: :evil:
me too, tho we are right in London and we have the random shoe hangin of electricity wires near the estates too :x
iv heard this too. iv also heard that some places where theres like loads and loads of xmas lights means its a drug dealers house, so people who are going to buy stuff know which house it is in the dark :lol: It makes sence but im not sure its true. Theres a house near where i used to live that had loads and is always in the papers for it and aparently thats a druggie house i wouldnt put it past them :shakehead:
It used to really bug me why fireworks would be going off in the middle of March and no where near Bonfire night until I found that out.

They should stick the fireworks up their own backsides and light them if you ask me :evil:
well i havnever heard them go of regualrly diring the year :shock: news to me!

they must have a shed load on around november and new year :lol:
:shock: I didn't know that either, i didn't know about the shoe thing either until i found out on here about it!

Fountain of knowledge is this place! :lol:
really, you learn a new thing every day!! i thought they would try not to draw attention to themselves!!
Vicki83 said:
:shock: I didn't know that either, i didn't know about the shoe thing either until i found out on here about it!

Fountain of knowledge is this place! :lol:

had to look back on the thread to know what you mean about the shoe lace thing.
how strange. surely a mobile phone would be easier communication :think:
so? how do they know what dealers house to go to hahahah!

just coz someone selt off a fire work? reminds me of one of the zombie movies where they set off fireworks to occupy the zombies at night lol
I dont think the xmas lights one is true or the Police would know were to go :rotfl:

I have heard the fireworks one before thoand I know the shoes one is true
Come to think of it I've heard the odd firework go off at different times of the year. It's fairly quiet at the moment though which is kind of strange for this time of year...maybe the boat hasn't come in!
to e honest, i dont think its true either. Dealers really dont need to advertice. Word of mouth is the most powerful advertising you need. Any other 'publicity' is asking for trouble. Ive known dealers in the past, and they (usually) want to keep a low profile, and only deal to people they know, not randoms just knocking on the door.

(I think the hanging trainers thing is true tho - but more a 'this is my patch' statement, rather then advertising)
Well we had fireworks going off tonight, but I blame the bloody shops for selling them off weeks earlier than firework night. Does my nut!
this is defenatly true.... my mum has random rockets going off all year long near her house!

I am sh*tting myself for fireworks night, Ellis is going to be well scared as we have single glazing and they are REALLY loud xxxx
yea we used to hear them going off randomly like before nov 5th and after. my shop sells them now as its like a week or so to go.
Well we'll be in trouble this year then.
We let of loads during Mason's Halloween party. My brother buys the massive professional ones, they are FAB! (we have a big field thing in front of our house so we set the big ones off there.. the neighbours love it.
Urchin said:
Well we'll be in trouble this year then.
We let of loads during Mason's Halloween party. My brother buys the massive professional ones, they are FAB! (we have a big field thing in front of our house so we set the big ones off there.. the neighbours love it.

hahaha you'll have crowds of drug users knocking down your door ;)

have to say I have never heard of this, round here they tend to use mobiles
never heard of that either, here there is just a small place everyone knows about and they just go there and if they have drugs they are out and if they dont no one is there, never been myself but know a few people that get weed there. has been on the local news lots police trying to shut it off
We have tons of Fireworks going off but i blame the stupid Tesco's selling them weeks early.
One was thrown right next to me under a car the other day.I thought it was a carton of ribena.Lucky it didnt explode.

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