Finn William Yelton - 4th June 2012


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Jun 7, 2011
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Well I thought it was about time to write my birth story. Had quite a difficult time, and ended up staying in hospital for 8 days over the course of it, so haven't really had a chance until now to sit down and write it.

It started with a routine midwife appointment when I was 37+5 on 30th May. My blood pressure was up and she found protein in my urine, so sent me to the Day Assessment unit at the hospital to be checked. When I got there they took my blood and I then had to wait for my results. 5 hours later, after being told my results would be ready at 6.30, they gave me my results and said they would like to admit me overnight to monitor me as I was showing signs of pre eclampsia. I had had no dinner at this point (it was now 9.30 at night) and the last thing I wanted was to be kept in, especially as I felt fine, but I went along with it.

The next day I had to wait until 2.30pm, not hearing anything about what was happening, to be told that they were keeping me in until baby was delivered (!).:shock: They couldn't, at that point, tell me what the plan of action was, so we just had to wait. At around 6 that day, a doctor came round and told me they were inducing me at 7pm the same night :shock: so hubby had to run home and rush around getting my hopsital bag, baby's bag etc. Little did we know at that point that baby wouldn't arrive for another 4 days!

So I went to be induced (not at 7, as they said, but at 11pm). They inserted the pessary (ouch) and I had to just wait. I started contracting overnight, and by the morning they were getting stronger and were about 4 mins apart. I spent the majority of the day walking around the hospital grounds, thinking labour was progressing. I lost my plug and was positive that things were moving on. I was in quite a lot of pain by the evening, and couldn't walk or talk through the contractions. They examined me at 11pm, and found I was only 1cm. Devesatated! We then had to have 24 hours rest before I could be induced again.

On the Saturday, they started the second induction at midnight and again I began contracting painfully. By this point I had lost hope that anything would work, and low and behold, by the time they examined me I was only 1cm again. UNfortunately, although I had been contracting, they were only painful because they were being forced, and not because labour was starting.

The decision was made to do a cesarean section on the Monday morning and to be honest, although I always wanted a natural birth, I had had almost no sleep over the previous 5 nights, and was relieved that it was going to be over.

Baby Finn William Yelton was born at 11.22 on 4th June. He is abosolutely gorgeous and we are loving being parents. I have attached a few photos. Sorry if they come out huge! xx




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Oh he's just absolutely gorgeous! What a lovely little face! Congratulations xxxg
He is so cute, congratulations x

Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk 2
What a beauty he is!!

Massive congrats to you

Oh he is adorable! Such a gorgeous baby! Well done xx
Congratulations, he is a little cutie x
What an adorable little man Kirsty! Congratulations xxx
Aww he is absolutely stunning, congratulations!
Congratulations hun he's beautiful, how much did he weigh? Xxx
He looks so perfect! Sorry you had a long - winded effort for it to end in a section. But he looks worth it!! Xx
Congratulations! He's a real stunner! Xx
Hes gorgeous, sooo cute! Congrats :yay: x
cute cute cute cute and cute!!!!!

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.

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