
Sigh! I'm grumpy
Dunno what's going on with me, I'd rather just corn on my period now lol
I know the not knowing must be awful especially when your cycle is longer. Hope you get news soon! X

I'm wondering if there is still a chance of pregnancy but I'm feeling highly unlikely :-(
Still no AF lol
This is getting silly now haha
BFN today too!
Hurry up period and just come on already!
What CD you on? I've been waiting for mine all day as I can feel it coming. Still nothing as of yet tho. X

Yeah I'm feeling a bit like that.
A bit heavy and achey. Very sleepy today though and had a massive sinus pressure headache :-(
Even went back to bed which I never do lol
I'm on CD 44
I normally have cycles of 38 days.
I hope I come on before next weekend as I'm going to the spa!
Eep :-/
I'm not sure if I ovulated this month because I never got a peak on the tests.
Noticed earlier my CM is clear and sticky, not sure what this means, TMI lol
What CD are you on?
Sounds strange doesn't it. Today would be CD28 and my period arrived this morning.

Hope you get yours soon, or if you're not getting AF hope you find out what's going on! X

Are you getting any help with it from the doctors? Sorry I'm not 100% sure what it is xx

No, no help as of yet.
I didn't fancy taking the drugs right away I wanted to give it a bit of time just trying and not getting too stressed.
However I'm a person who likes to be organised lol
So this is well and truly annoying me haha
I need to learn that I can't control everything :-D
Hope you're well? X
Still no AF? :(

I've been to the doctors regarding the leaking nipple so awaiting blood test results and an appointment at the breast clinic. Thinking I'll be holding off TTC until May now which sucks!


Hi both, I hope you don't mind me joining your thread? I am currently cd9 and waiting for the opk to show a peak before we dtd! So I've been tracking my CM. I think clear and sticky/stretchy means you are fertile. I know this is tmi, but if you can stretch the cm between your thumb and index finger and it doesn't break for 3-4cm then it's your EWCM that has arrived which is defintaely your fertile window so you need to get :bd:


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