
Hi Melly41! I'm CD10 & got my peak on cycle day 11/12 last cycle. (Not sure if TTC this cycle as awaiting the breast clinic) but still OPKing & checking my cervix position.

I rarely notice CM so have been taking cough mixture (a certain kind) to try and increase it. But yeah I'm sure that's the description of fertile CM and I also read that you ovulate once it's decreased? I don't know how true that is...

Good luck on your journey! Is this your first? xx

Thanks starchild. I have an 11 and 9 year old so its been a few years. Ttc number 3 and at 41 realise time is ticking away so will try anything! Hoping to get positive opk this week! I also read cm goes after ovulation and before af. Clear sticky cm might be a good sign of fertility. Ive also read preseed good so might try that! If you do ttc this month good luck :dust: fingers crossed x
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Did you TTC for the other two?

I have one daughter 2y5mth and she wasn't planned.

I always noticed it until I actually started TTC after Christmas and my last two cycles I've seen none! Lol

Thank you! My OPK today was very faint, (unlike last cycle on day 10, which was very dark) I'm going to test AM & PM so I don't miss it. xxx

Yes I ttc both but I was a few years younger then aged 28 so very naive and did not pay much attention to my cycle or body!! Just tried to calculate roughly when I think I would ovulate and it happened quickly for both. It's been harder this time around as been trying for 5 months, which I know is not really that long but I again naively thought it would be quick again. But I'm 41 so expecting now it will take a while if at all!

I have in the last couple of months been charting and checking cm....actually been more knowledgeable since reading threads on this forum.....which has been most helpful..thank you all!

Are you on cd10 now then starchild? Is this the time you usually peak?

I had faint line after lunch today and will test again around 6pm. The online ovulation calculator reckons fertile period from today but no sign of cm or peak in LH levels! Not sure whether to hold off :bd: or dtd tonight incase I don't see a surge! Either way I'm sure we'all have fun trying!

Has your line got any darker this cycle yet? :lol:

Forgot to mention as talking about this on one of the other threads...have you used preseed? That supposed to help as it is like EWCM so increases chances apparently. I've bought some to try in case I see none this time around! :lol: hilarious what us girls talk about! Ha ha! X
Yes I've been naive too and only started trying in January, couldn't believe it when I wasn't pregnant lol silly really!

I've been on depo (tho only one round) so am worrying that's caused some kind of problem.

I'm in CD10 today, I assumed ovulation was CD14, but OPK last cycle suggested 12-13 as I got my + on CD11&12 but this month nothing on CD11. Perhaps last month was an off month.

We're TTC blue so the closest to ovulation for us the better. So will be holding off until around 12 hours AFTER my + OPK.


Wow that's precise :lol: as you say may have been an off month....lots of things can effect your cycle....stress, being under the weather, air, breathing!! Ha ha! At least it feels like anything can for me! Maybe you'll be back to cd14 this cycle.....not long to wait. I've done cheapie opk today but have a clearblue ones to try when I think I'm in my most fertile...maybe tomorrow or day after! Good luck hope you get your surge soon x

Read on other thread it's been difficult for you today with lots of announcements on FB....I feel everyone around me is pregnant....I'm noticing babies everywhere at the moment! Has there been a baby boom or am I just obsessed! :lol:

Sending you lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: please let it be our month!! X
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I think there's been a baby boom! Haha hopefully we'll be next. :)

I'm hoping it's later this month, CD14 as I'm at the doctors Friday so if I get some news I could get home & DtD haha xxx

Well period pains turned out to be no period!
My tracker says 10 days late on a day 50 of a cycle!
In 2 years I have never had a cycle this long even with PCOS.
I'm still testing negative with cheap tests!
I'm not one for going to the doctors they'll just tell me it's my PCOS,
I'm sure if I am pregnant, symptoms will start eventually lol
Awww so sorry this is happening. There's a lady on the February testing threads who is also late & getting negative tests. It does happen so don't lose all hope! X

Sorry to hear that....lets hope you get a bfp next time :dust:
Yesterday we booked a holiday to Florida for August! Whoops hah I am excited though :) we go near enough every year it's amazing. However I'm going to be cautious about trying whilst over there due to the zika virus.
In the mean time, I'm gonna concentrate on losing weight. I feel that was the reason for why my period took a long time to come this month.

Hope everyone is well
Wow! Florida sounds awesome! Sounds like you have a clear plan and are quite positive at the moment! If you do happen to catch the egg in the next few months you should still be ok to fly in August. Good luck with the losing weight regime! X
I do feel quite positive yeah :)
No use being down in the dumps.
I feel like I have a bit of a 5 year plan ahead of me now too.
I am gonna smash it this year lol
Good job Frankenstein12, I'd be terrible at losing weight currently munching through a pic n mix lol xx


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