
confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I feel fat and frumpy and just want to cry.:'( people are saying ill never get back to my pre-pregnancy size which was 10/12 now I'm more of a 12/14.. n how I'm gona get fatter, even my mum in law saying I've fone fat :'( I've become so conscious, nothing looks good, ny Boobs have gone huge too
I feel like I need a good cry
Hormones love, u will put weight on as every one dose who's pregnant n some shift it faster then others afterwards, but u will shift it So dont let it ruin ur pregnancy

Ur mother in law seems a bit of an idiot saying things like that. Plz don't worrie u will b fine when ur running round after the little one x
Hey, i know how your feeling as I feel the same, it seems to have hit me the last week. :(. I've put on weight everywhere and look like a hippo. I'm dreading my next midwifes appointment. If its any help, I managed to lose it all after my first, takes a while but you will get there. Its my parents that are the problem with me, always making annoying comments etc. just ignore them, as long as you are eating a healthy diet then don't get stessed out about it, remember its all for the baby! :).
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Awww I dunno why someone is saying you won't get back down to a 10/12, how do they know? Can they see into the future? :lol: Don't worry hun, we all put on weight but losing it is doable. I'll be happy to get back to a 12/14. Its my face that looks huge........:lol:
Hon I was an 8-10 and went up to a 12-14. My son is now 6 months old and I'm a 6-8 on top, 10 on bottom so don't worry! It's all doable :) You focus on your lovely baba x
I'm hoping that I'll be able to take my baby out for walks as hopefully we'll have a nice summer so I'll be able to try and shift the weight by doing that and by running around after him. I'm sure the weight will come off eventually. My face is massive too Pinky, just seemed to expand overnight!!
Take no notice of them hun. How do people know what size you'll get down to/be once bubs is here? For what it's worth ive always got back down to my pre pregnancy weight. It might have taken me a year but I did get there.

I think about 30 weeks you tend to have a growth spurt anyway. I know I did and I felt uncomfortable with my new expanding figure.

Your hormones are going crackers too, so if you need to cry then do so. It will make you feel loads better.
Hey chick, at 28 weeks you will start to feel fat and frumpy... I am exactly the same and can't stand to see my naked body in a mirror; I just keep thinking... I will get back to a 10.. I will... It is normal to feel like that hun. My clothes look hideous and shorts, well.. my legs will be staying away for the next 10 weeks.. am sure you look great...

Haha don't get me started on shorts haha, I've put loads of weight on my ass n legs n not only that I've got bad cellulite but ya no what my body is doing summat amazing makin my baby n it will all go bk, it did after my first anyway an faster then I thought to x
Hey hun I wanted to give you abit of hope I gave birth 8 days ago and managed to get in my trousers pre pregnancy this is my second my first took longer. 6 months??
I always remember that it took 9 months to put it on 9 months roughly to take it off.
Don't panic or worry.
It was my biggest fear of having another baby but its so worth it when you see your baby. X x
Oh Hun I feel the same! Really annoys me that people think its ok when your pregnant to say comments like that, at first I held back but now I put them in the place! Of course we all gonna put weight on but remember its all good for the baba and its not permanent! My MIL has said stupid things like oh dont have to high expectations etc etc sometimes I think well F you! Im 22 and I will loose it! I think people say these things because they are a lil bit jelous!
Some people don't know pregnancy etiquette - Ie, don't say anything to the expectant mum that could be taken in a negative way in any shape!

You haven't even gone up much - a friend of mine just told me she put on 6 stone. I've put on half of the 1 1/2st I lost in the first trimester and I'm a few weeks from my induction. Some people put on lots, some don't, some lose it fast, some lose it slower.

As long as you are eating healthily and not being sedentary, you're healthy. Don't think you need to skip meals because of the comments, and don't join a gym at this stage! You will be fine when your body is ready to return to a more 'you' shape, afterwards.
aww hun try not to worry too much about it.

I dont think youve put that much on - certainly less than me. Ive gone from a size 10 to about a 14 maybe even 16 and sometimes it does upset me a bit when i catch an unexpected glance at myself but i know i can lose it!! My friends who have had babies recently have gone on to be even smaller than they were pre pregnancy within a few months!

I think having a baby will be a great kick up the bum when it comes to making me stick to healthy eating and being active! x
try not to worry. i was getting really down about it at 1st but now i think sod it. im going to have a beautiful baby boy and i will loose it as and when. its not going to be my 1st priority.

i was a 8-10 before and now im a 12-14. everyone calls me fatty but i dont mind as they only say it cos i have always been so tiny and they arent used to seeing me bigger. plus everyone keeps telling me how good i look and how pregnancy suits me so must be a good thing.

i have been told by a few people that have had babies that if you breast feed you loos it quicker. will test the theory if i can.

chin up hun your beautiful and your body is doing the most natural and beautiful thing in the world. xxx
try not to worry. i was getting really down about it at 1st but now i think sod it. im going to have a beautiful baby boy and i will loose it as and when. its not going to be my 1st priority.

i was a 8-10 before and now im a 12-14. everyone calls me fatty but i dont mind as they only say it cos i have always been so tiny and they arent used to seeing me bigger. plus everyone keeps telling me how good i look and how pregnancy suits me so must be a good thing.

i have been told by a few people that have had babies that if you breast feed you loos it quicker. will test the theory if i can.

chin up hun your beautiful and your body is doing the most natural and beautiful thing in the world. xxx

I heard it's suppose to burn up too an extra 500 calories a day.. :shock:
always worth it then. lol. friend of mine at work said she didnt with her 1st and took quite a while to loose weight did with her 2nd and the weight seemed to drop off. xxx
Oh my...how insensitive and rude can people be!

Well, I feel exactly like you do hun...fat, frumpy, uncomfortable, yucky etc etc. Nothing I wear looks right on me either imo and my legs look like tree trunks now, and I'm used to being a 10/12, But ya know what? The other gals on here will have felt like this at one time or another too. It doesn't help with insensitive people telling us that we've put weight on when we already blooming know it!

But its our body's way of protecting and preparing for baby's arrival. Our body puts on weight to cushion baby and of course its growing inside of us which obviously means we'll get bigger, and then there's the extra weight gain for prepping us for breastfeeding our baby when it arrives.

You'll be fine hun...you'll get your 10/12 back after baby arrives and you can stick two fingers up at the people who said you wouldn't. x
I just wish people would watch what they say, my hubby says its just my belly that's grown, yet everyone else saying I've become a whale :'(
people are so insensitive

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